日期:2015-10-19 19:01


  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Since the world has changed so much in the past fifty years, advice our grandparents can give us is not useful.

  There is a common expression that goes, “with age comes wisdom.” Wisdom is the ability to use your past experience to make good decisions about your future. Regardless of how much the world has changed in the past fifty years, I still believe the advice my grandparents can give me is good.
  My grandparents have had a lot of experiences and survived a lot of hardships. When my great grandmother died young, my grandmother had to grow up fast and help raise her brothers and sisters. This was during the Great Depression, when people had to save every penny just to be able to get by. My grandmother has talked with me about how she got through these hard times, and by listening to her stories I have learned many valuable lessons. I have learned to value the things that I have and to work hard for things that I want. When it comes to taking care of my family, I always ask my grandmother for advice.
  My grandparents are also a good resource for advice, because they have been around longer and, therefore know more of the world. In my studies, I may have had the opportunities to travel all over the world. While both of my grandfathers have not traveled as much as me, that does not mean they have not experienced the world. During World War II, both of my grandfathers were stationed abroad. They not only lived in Europe for a long period, but they also were able to interact with troops of foreign armies. They did not have the educational opportunities that I have had, but that does not mean that I know more about the world than they do.
  Admittedly, there are some areas in which I cannot go to my grandparents for advice, namely technology. Cell phones and computers were not around until my grandparents retired, so they have never had to use this kind of technology for work or study. While my grandparents have tried to keep up with the times, they are certainly not experts. Whenever I visit my grandmother, for example, she always asks me to fix her computer. I would say the only thing I cannot go to my grandparents for advice is anything concerning technology.
  Even though there are certain areas in which my grandparents are not that well informed, this does not mean that they do not have good or useful advice. Grandparents'wisdom from the experiences they have had can give us insight and help us make decisions.

  • celln. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室
  • informedadj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • valuableadj. 贵重的,有价值的 n. (pl.)贵重物品
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • depressionn. 沮丧,萧条
  • insightn. 洞察力
  • experiencedadj. 有经验的