Pets are animals that afford people who keep them pleasure but at the same time rely on their owners for food and shelter. So the argument has been made that raising a pet is a luxury and money spent on pets could be better used for other aspects. However I believe that it is worth spending money on pets due to the fact that emotional gratification pet owners receive from their pets outweighs what spending on other things may bring.
Pets can drive off the loneliness of the old people and comfort them at times of sorrow. We humans are social creatures and naturally crave companionship, not to mention the old people who live alone. When human company is impossible, pets can substitute for the absence of those who are at a distance or have passed away. Pets can bring their masters comfort and pleasure and make them feel wanted. According to a medical research conducted by local health organization, people over 60 who raise a cat or a dog are less likely to suffer depressed disease than those who enjoy pet-free lives. What’s more, the research also shows that compared to others, the old pet owners go to see a doctor less frequently since they have to walk the pets regularly, which is beneficial to their physical fitness.
Taking care of pets affords children the opportunity to cultivate sense of responsibility. Nowadays it is not uncommon that parents ask their children to raise a pet in order to teach them to be responsible. Having realized what their pets need, children humanize them and spend time on food, treats, shelter, clothing, and medications and grooming. All these compensations enable children to be dependable and kind. Moreover, by treating pets as their family members, kids tend to understand their parents more and learn to share the responsibility of being a family member. They shower on their parents the love they have offered to their pets and receive affection in return. Therefore, raising a pet helps children to become responsible owing to the love, attention and devotion pet keeping calls for.
As to the working adults, pet keeping provides them a creative outlet for releasing pressure and tension. There is no doubt that people are pressured with tremendous amount of competition. The break-neck speed of modern life has taken away our peace of mind that has been necessary to enjoy a happy life. However, pets could bring us comfort and consolation. By feeding, walking, training and playing with pets, we may forget about the trouble and the difficulty. Thanks to their affection and companionship, we get well-prepared for future work and challenges.
In conclusion, although spending money on other aspects, like providing assistance to the poor and the needy is also encouraged, it is worthwhile and more rewarding to spend money on pets because the old people, children and working adults all benefit from pet keeping. (484words)