说法一:leftover women and men
According to the survey, 21.6 percent of the leftover women and men are subject to long-term sexual repression, while only 17.6 percent have regular sex partners. Visiting prostitutes and having multiple sex partners have become two main causes of sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS.
上面的报道将“剩男剩女”翻译成leftover women and men,带有明显的贬义,因为leftover一词的意思是“吃剩的食物,残羹剩饭”,不过中文原词也是带有贬义的。“剩男剩女”指的是大龄未婚男女青年,因为到了婚嫁年龄却还单身,所以被认为是“剩下了”。那些接近expiry date的“准剩男剩女”也有一个称号,就是doomed single(必剩客)。
说法二:3S lady
如果我们将一个二三十岁的大姑娘称为leftover woman,相信谁听了都不乐意。国外一般将大龄女青年称为3S lady,也就是Single(单身)、Seventies (大多数生于上世纪七十年代)、Stuck(被卡住了,即在寻找伴侣的路上被卡住了)。也有人用SAS来形容“黄金剩女”,即single(单身)、attractive(迷人),successful(成功)。
说法三:On the shelf
在英语口语中也会用on the shelf这个短语来表示女子过了适婚年龄依然未能嫁出去的状态。例如:Why is the hello girl still on the shelf? (为什么这个女接线员还没嫁出去?)