日期:2014-10-14 15:27


(Agree or disagree)

  Some agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing the food for the increasing number of population is more important than protecting the environment.


  Environmental protection has always been a perpetual topic. One indisputable fact is that the widespread application of various pesticides and chemicals in agriculture has exerted several negative effects on the whole environment while improving the production of crops. Therefore, when it comes to the problem whether providing food for the public is more important than protecting environment, people varying in backgrounds and nationalities view this issue from different angles.



  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • indisputableadj. 无可争辩的,无可置疑的
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • applicationn. 应用; 申请; 专心 n. 应用软件程序
  • perpetualadj. 永恒的,永久的,一再往复的
  • widespreadadj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的
  • environmentn. 环境,外界