2014年8月23日的托福口语考试中有一道题目是“The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change? 大学餐厅正在改变食物服务:包括更健康的,低卡路里的食物,你认为这种变化的优缺点是什么?"针对这样一道托福口语题目考生该如何作答?看看新东方滕达老师为您提供的托福口语模版及范文吧!
托福口语题目:The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change?
The advantage of such plan would be obvious. Lower calorie foods like fruits, yogurt and salad are healthier than many of the hot items most schools offer now. Health conscious students should welcome this change. Cutting back junk foods like pizza and fries should be done ages ago. Of course, there are certain disadvantages to this plan. Healthy food don't always taste good if you know what I mean. They are bland, boring flavorless. There's nothing better than biting into a juicy burger when we are hungry. They are great for a quick fix when we need the energy.