日期:2014-08-14 09:47


  Move, accent, pod, international group, major, lucky, excellent, booklet, regulation, rule,conductive, quiet policy, self-policed, problem, allow, smoke, cook, plug, dryer, voltage, alarm,kitchen, leftover, clean-up day, hot water, meter, washroom, laundry facility, basement,conserving energy, lounge area, heat, air-conditioning, atorage area, permit, hallway, communityspace, prior notification, safe, valuable, housekeeper, vacuum cleaner, lock, key, check, fireprevention equipment, cover, overnight visitor, arrange, in advance, religious propaganda, dorm,furnishing, park
  Roommate, dormitory, unpacking our things, neat
  Housing office, living off campus, cost, rent, utilities, need a car to commute, noisy, peace andquiet
  Winter break, dean, vacation arrangement, fill up the forms, heating cost, temporaryaccommodation
  Housing director, checkout procedure, leave for vacation, return your key, summer maintenancecrew, residence advisor, pass around
  Apartment, dump, functional, noisy

  • dormitoryn. 集体宿舍
  • podn. 豆荚 v. 剥掉(豆荚)
  • hallwayn. 门厅;玄关;走廊
  • propagandan. 宣传,宣传的内容
  • arrangementn. 安排,商议,整理,布置,商定,[音]改编,改编曲
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • regulationn. 规则,规章,管理 adj. 规定的,官方的
  • arrangevt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲) vi. 协商,计
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演