托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第8期
日期:2014-08-07 17:58


8. Amid rumors that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around the unknown region and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of rock salt 80 by 45 miles in extent,the two captains set out.

(同位语从句rumors that…)


分句1:Amid rumors

分句2:that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around the unknown region

分句3:and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of rock salt 80 by 45 miles in extent

分句4:the two captains set out

分句1和分句4构成倒装,正常的语序应该是分句4+分句1,即the two captains set out Amid rumors。分句1嵌套分句2和分句3,分句2和分句3是修饰分句1的rumors的同位语从句,用来说明谣言的具体内容。分句2和分句3构成并列关系。

  • prehistoricadj. 史前的 =prehistorical
  • unknownadj. 未知的,不出名的
  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [