日期:2014-08-06 09:47



Agree or disagree: 20 years from now, people will have more leisure time (free time) than they do now.



I disagree with this. I think society is moving in a direction where people will be busier and working more than ever in the future. People will have more options to turn their passions into businesses, jobs and careers will be more appreciated, and people will feel more compelled to help others in their spare time.
Work and leisure used to be quite separated. Imagine someone in the 1950s,for example. They would come home from the office, put their slippers on, and watch some television in the evening. Maybe on the weekends they would do some woodworking in the backyard, building bird houses and end tables for fun. But in today's world (and looking ahead to the future),it is so much easier to make businesses out of our hobbies. If you are good at building bird houses, why not sell them online and get some recognition and money for your talent? If you think you have a good knowledge of wine, why not start a blog where you review the local vineyards? People still have fun, but the internet helps their spare time and hobbies to be a little more productive.
In these shaky economic times, where jobs can sometimes be hard to find, I think that people are going to appreciate any work that they can get. Quitting your job to spend more time at home might not be a realistic or appealing option. There won’t be any guarantees that you will easily get a job again when you need to. So I think most people will keep their heads down and just gratefully accept any work that they can get.
Finally, the world is generally more compassionate than it has been in the past. There are so many charities and non-profit organizations out there that are very easy to find and volunteer for. It has become almost expected to devote some of your spare time to helping others. This doesn’t have to be a daily or even a weekly event. But it is a part of many people’s lives and I think it will continue to be. And it is a form of work, rather than leisure. There just isn’t any payment involved.
That is why I think people will have leisure time in twenty years. Based on current trends, hobbies will become mixed with business, regular jobs will not be discarded willingly, and increased volunteer time will mean increased work for the average person.

  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • appealingadj. 引起兴趣的,动人的
  • paymentn. 支付,付款,报偿,报应
  • compassionateadj. 有同情心的 vt. 同情
  • currentn. (水、气、电)流,趋势 adj. 流通的,现在的,
  • recognitionn. 认出,承认,感知,知识
  • appreciatedvt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • realisticadj. 现实的,现实主义的