新鲜速递"到期约会"(expiration dating)
日期:2014-04-29 17:53
说真的,笔者也是第一次看到这个词,于是查了一下,大概意思就是双方有一个约定,那就是开始一段约会前或者谈恋爱前都规定了一个期限,叫做“expiration dating”(到期约会)。在这个讲究效率和速度的念头,一切都变得有期限,于是乎可爱的人们创造了这么一个词。
Expiration dating refers to starting a relationship that has a defined end date; for example, one of the people is moving soon.
"I hear you started dating some new girl."
"Yeah, but she's moving across the country in a month, so we're planning on breaking up."
"A little expiration dating, eh?"