What activity should the university have during class breaks?
现在搜索一下你的口语第三题或第五题,有哪一道题目与这道题类似?Music Coming to Cafeterias?里面有这样一句话:University cafeterias wil broadcast classical music during mealtimes.我们可以做的是把mealtimes。改成class breaks,那剩下的内容不就可以作为课间活动的理由及细节了。或者你觉得还有可以再继续修改那也可以使用部分的第三题内容来做理由及细节如: University Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing Competitions里面有这样一句话:In addition, it is hoped thatgetting the choir off campus and out in the public will strengthen the reputation of the university’s music program. This in turn will help the program grow.我们只要把choir及program改成相应的活动内容,这句话就可以作为答案的一部分继续被使用了,而且你会发现像这句话这样的理由是可以放在很多跟校园活动相关的题目里面的。像这样的话还有如:a new stadium would help theuniversity achieve its goal of attracting more top students.你只要把a new stadium换成相应的活动内容那你也可以把这样的话作为答案的一部分了。重要的是,这样你就不需要特别辛苦的去在你的脑海里去搜索你想要的词(有些时候还找不到),找到了的话就把他们累积起来,翻译成为你想要表达的话,而这时你可能还没有意识到你很可能已经讲出了一句特别地道的中式英语,听你答案的人,为你评分的人会在思考什么?。
I think the university should broadcast music during class breaks, since students spend so much time sitting in class, reading, or working on computers, a sizeable number of students will experience back pain but listening to music makes them tense up hundreds of muscles in their back. Listening to music on a regular basis helps students bodies relax physically and mentally, thus helping to relieve and prevent back pain.
Moreover, music will foster a more relaxed atmosphere. Students'lives are hectic, and class breaks provide important opportunities to take a break and catch up with friends before moving on to the next class or assignment. If the school provides music, students will unplug their personal music devices---their walkmans and mp3 players of whatever-and will spend more time talking to each other. When students have their headphones on, they’re not connecting with each other.