日期:2014-01-10 12:54
将 red rain 在 indian Karele(好像是这么拼)
文章写有三个 theories,
第 1 个是 comet theory,说有人说听到巨响,所以有可能是这样,那些红雨其实是陨石碎
第 2 个可能说是红色的沙子,从 north Africa / Acadia(拼的似乎不对)吹来的
第 3 个可能是 chilen(拼的不对,应该是苔藓植物的一种)spores,因为这种 spores 在 karele
1、过去 100 年里一共下了 3 次红雨,3 次陨石在同一个地方是 very rate.
2、the red dust from deserts are contained a lot of chemical elements, such as Iron and
phosphorus,但是那种雨里这些化学物质的含量是 very small of amount
3、那种 spores 也不太可能,讲了他们的 LIFE CIRCLE 说如果他们同时进入 reproductive
phase 才能释放 spores,所以同时进入这个 Phase 的几率也基本等于 0。
In the lecture, the professor makes several points about causes of red rain. The professor
argues that comet explosion, red dust and lichen releasing spores cannot be associated
with red rain. However, the reading passage holds the totally disparate points in these
three aspects.
The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about
improbability of comet explosion. The professor shows that Kerala where red rain
happened three times during last ten decades couldn't be the place where comet
exploded three times coincidently. This casts doubt on the reading because it appears
that red rain results from a deluge of substances in red after comet explosion. It is said
that residents in Kerala haven't seen the red rain until they heard a loud sound that may
be associated with comet explosion.
Secondly, the professor also claims that there is the difference concerning composition
between red dust and red rain. As he states, red dust contains many metallic elements
like Fe. Red rain, contrary to red dust, hardly contains those. So there is connection
between red dust and red rain. But this makes the explanation in the reading seem less
likely; red dust coming from desert area contributes to red rain.
Lastly, the professor rebuts the reading argument by pointing out the inadequacy that that
lichen releases spores causes red rain, and by undermining the assumption that lichen
own their life circle. And a lot of spores should be released at the same time in red rain,
while each lichen possesses unique reproductive phase that means they cannot release
many spores concurrently. However, the reading illustrates that the most likely reason of
red rain is lichen releasing spores, especially red spores. And Kerala is the place where
grows abundant lichen.
将 red rain 在 indian Karele(好像是这么拼)
文章写有三个 theories,
第 1 个是 comet theory,说有人说听到巨响,所以有可能是这样,那些红雨其实是陨石碎
第 2 个可能说是红色的沙子,从 north Africa / Acadia(拼的似乎不对)吹来的
第 3 个可能是 chilen(拼的不对,应该是苔藓植物的一种)spores,因为这种 spores 在 karele
1、过去 100 年里一共下了 3 次红雨,3 次陨石在同一个地方是 very rate.
2、the red dust from deserts are contained a lot of chemical elements, such as Iron and
phosphorus,但是那种雨里这些化学物质的含量是 very small of amount
3、那种 spores 也不太可能,讲了他们的 LIFE CIRCLE 说如果他们同时进入 reproductive
phase 才能释放 spores,所以同时进入这个 Phase 的几率也基本等于 0。
In the lecture, the professor makes several points about causes of red rain. The professor
argues that comet explosion, red dust and lichen releasing spores cannot be associated
with red rain. However, the reading passage holds the totally disparate points in these
three aspects.
The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about
improbability of comet explosion. The professor shows that Kerala where red rain
happened three times during last ten decades couldn't be the place where comet
exploded three times coincidently. This casts doubt on the reading because it appears
that red rain results from a deluge of substances in red after comet explosion. It is said
that residents in Kerala haven't seen the red rain until they heard a loud sound that may
be associated with comet explosion.
Secondly, the professor also claims that there is the difference concerning composition
between red dust and red rain. As he states, red dust contains many metallic elements
like Fe. Red rain, contrary to red dust, hardly contains those. So there is connection
between red dust and red rain. But this makes the explanation in the reading seem less
likely; red dust coming from desert area contributes to red rain.
Lastly, the professor rebuts the reading argument by pointing out the inadequacy that that
lichen releases spores causes red rain, and by undermining the assumption that lichen
own their life circle. And a lot of spores should be released at the same time in red rain,
while each lichen possesses unique reproductive phase that means they cannot release
many spores concurrently. However, the reading illustrates that the most likely reason of
red rain is lichen releasing spores, especially red spores. And Kerala is the place where
grows abundant lichen.