task1: Describe your favorite subject when you were a child.
Task2: Which of the TV program do you prefer? Entertainment program or educational program.
Task3: reading: 学生写信建议学校办air fair,理由一:展示学生的art work;理由二:卖钱捐款盖楼。
Listening: 女同学不同意。理由一:student center在办类似展览,有很多学生的feedback;理由二:不能强迫捐款,这样不公平。
Task4: 名词解释:breed parasite:animals that uses ways to let other animals to hatch their eggs.
教授举例:after S鱼lay eggs, they will collect the eggs into their big mouths and the little fish will be hatched in their mouths. Catfish 在S鱼lay eggs 后,把自己的eggs也下在水里,这样S鱼就分不清两类eggs,仍旧collect all eggs in mouth.这样就帮助了catfish 孵卵了。
Task5: 男生室友请朋友来家里狂欢,无法学习。两个solution,第一图书馆学习,优点是安静,缺点是project需要很多资料,在家方便整理;第二和室友商定schedule,哪天玩儿哪天学习,缺点是室友就不是有schedule的人,他不想费力气。
Task6: 两种advertising method。第一种consumer market: large number of audience 广告要reach more people.举例感冒药公司,因为大家都需要买感冒药,就应该尽可能的通过各种方式让大家知道产品。第二种industrial market.只针对特定的客户群。比如office furniture的销售就需要销售人员talk with manager。