日期:2013-08-28 15:08


1. 是土壤部分,一种美国人的文化,在听力中多见。如,比赛一输要放弃了,第二人劝;课程太难坚持不住要quit了,第二人劝;小说人物复杂不想读了,第二人劝;减肥坚持不住,第二人劝等等。
2.弘扬bright sides,听力中的美国学生永远是学习,有任何事情与之冲突都要放弃其它而学习;这么多年考试中,偶有一次例外,当然发生在男生身上,一女生邀他玩,他来了一句:“The book can wait”丢人的话来。除此之外,别无例外。比如:在第一人话中出现娱乐项目,而第二人话中出现学习类项目,可想而知下文是什么了。
3.又是一个美国文化,区别与我们的文化对待。Thinking in American way
4.见人有衣无衣都great;有头发无头发都great;体形好不好都great,所以理解后用于生活中,有美国人说:“Your English is good.”千万别自喜,因为他们的文化就是这个。
5.first thing first,用于抓态度,绕难点解题。应用于我们的写作中,先给point再develop。
7. ①强调学生的high taste:吃饭去意/法餐馆;用香水;用天然的化装品;听音乐会;拒绝电视、电影。
②提到音乐会一定去看;音乐会票一定难买;音乐会一定人山人海(过道都是人);音乐会的赞美无与伦比(out of this world)。
be a big fun of sth.
be much of sth.
care for sth.
be in a mood for sth.
be raving about
be wild/crazy/mad about
think much/highly of sth.
can't get enough of sth.
couldn't put it down
(二) 厌倦、厌烦
be bored with
be fed up with
be sick of
be tired of
have had enough (of) sth.
have had it with sth.
It's more than I can bear.
It's too much for me.
I can no longer put up with.
(三) 忙
get conflict in one's schedule
up to one's neck/eyes/ears in work
in the middle of doing sth.
be overwhelmed/swamped with sth.
be all tied up
be all /completely booked
can not fit it in
have/get one's hands full
have another appointment/commitment
as busy as a bee
couldn't get around to doing sth.
couldn't spare/squeeze time to do sth.
Have you checked your schedule/academic calendar?
have a heavy/tight schedule/work load/course load
(四) 忘
absent-minded professor
slip one's memory
slip one's mind
have a short/poor/bad memory
one's memory like sieve
go in one ear and out the other
be not good with sth.
be terrible with sth.
scatter brain
be done with sth.
be through with sth.
be finished with sth.
to complete sth.
to finish doing sth.
be over with sth.
be over and done with
end up
(六) 累
I'm exhausted.
I'm tired-out/over tired.
I'm dog tired.
I'm beat/dead beat.
I'm burned out.
run out of steam/energy
be out of energy/shape
I'm worn out.
be tired out
knock oneself out on sth.
eyes are starting to blur
hardly stay awake
hardly concentrate
I'm bushed.
(七) 学生学习用功
around the clock
on end = in a row
day and night = night and day
36/48 hours a day
day in and day out
put a lot of hours/time/days into…
burn the midnight oil
stay up/be up all night
can't tear oneself away from…
couldn't put down…
glue one's eyes to…
I'm confused./It's confusing.
Beyond sb./above sb.
beyond one's understanding
over one's head
couldn't make heads or trails of it
Search me!
I have no clue/idea.
I'm in the dark.
Your guess is as good as mine.
get lost
I'm as in the dark as you are.
……is a mystery to me.
can't follow
……is more than I can figure out.
Lost track of the ……
I wonder……
can't make my sense out of it
It doesn't make my sense to me.
Don't give up! Don't give in!
hold on hold to it
stick to it stick with it
stick it out never drop it
It always seems hard when you've just starting out.
get going keeping going
If I were you, I've had done the same thing.
If I were in your shoes/position, I've had done the same thing.
sth. just can't be helped.
It could happen to anyone.
It happens all the time.
step out of sth. snap out of sth.
get over sth. quickly forget about it.
“好”的表达:glad/pleased/cheerful/cheer up/delighted/overjoyed
be in a good mood be in a high spirit
fill one's position/vacancy/shoes fill in for sb.
Take the place of sb. take over
substitute =replace
1、price: on sale/big sale/discount/clearance sale/good buy(bargain)/great buy
2、 style: formal/causal/suit,pantsuit/dress
搭配: go well with/be perfect with/match (suit/fit)
3、color: blue/navy blue/dark blue/light blue/solid blue/purplish
4、 size: small → medium → large
松紧: tight → loose → baggy
调换:change for a large one
get next size up
wool , cotton , silk,synthetic fabric, nylon , linen
1、 formal: reception/interview/presentation/wedding/graduation ceremony
2、 causal: party/barbecue/picnic
3、 中性: jacket
1、 太冷:(加衣服)
取出 take / get out
2、 太热:(收衣服)
pack (up) put/take away
收哪些 down jacket/overcoat/scarf/mittens/gloves/boots
1、 洗衣:do the washing
2、 衣服脏了: stain / ink stain
3、 洗衣粉: laundry detergent
4、 洗衣机: washer , washing machine
5、 地点:launderette
6、 设备:main cleaning facility
7、 动作:drop the coin in the slot
8、 意外: ① over the normal load → 坏了
坏了 out of order, doesn't work, break down, broken, give out
② 缩水 shrink
掉色 fade / lose color / faint
皱了 crumple →iron

  • presentationn. 陈述,介绍,赠与 n. [美]讲课,报告
  • beatv. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动 n. 敲打,拍子,心跳
  • discountn. 折扣,贴现率 vt. 打折扣,贴现,不重视,不全信
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • cheerfuladj. 高兴的,快乐的
  • scattern. 散布,零星少量 vt. 驱散,散播 vi. 分散,
  • squeezev. 压榨,挤压,塞进 n. 压榨,勒索,榨取
  • mediumn. 媒体,方法,媒介 adj. 适中的,中等的
  • wooln. 羊毛,毛线,毛织品
  • faintn. 昏厥,昏倒 adj. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的 v.