日期:2013-01-04 16:54
考试日期: | 2012.08.19 | |
是否重复 | 拼盘考题,Q1&Q3=2011.07.08NA; Q2&Q4=2011.03.11NA; Q5&Q6=2010.10.22NA | |
题号 | 内容 | |
Question 1 | The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change? | |
Question 2 | Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response. | |
Question 3 | Reading part | Listening part |
【学校通知】 The university requires first year students to attend a seminar. 理由1:能够帮助学生更快的适应campus life; 理由2:帮助学生更好的社会化; | 【学生态度】:男生同意。 理由1:可以规划好自己的时间。他刚上大学的时候,因为不适应学校生活,平常没有天天复习reading, 结果堆到final exam前一天才做; 理由2:这种seminar能帮助学生更好的接触不同兴趣的人。比如他一般接触喜欢音乐的人,但是对喜欢电脑和工程的人,觉得也想接触一下。 | |
| Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion. | |
Question 4 | Reading part | Listening part |
【课文要点】: motivation research: 公司想要调查消费者的喜好,比如为什么不买他们的产品,但是有的时候消费者自己也aware不到为什么,所以不能直接问,要用间接的方式调查。 | 【教授举例】:教授在讲座里说了一种办法。 一个公司设计了一种运动衣,但销量不好,所以做了一个调查。他们没有直接问为什么,而是给顾客杂志和剪刀,让他们选匹配的人来配他们的衣服,发现选的都是职业运动员,所以就反映出顾客认为他们的运动衣只适合运动员,不适合大众。于是后来制衣公司就改进了设计。 | |
| Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。 | |
Question 5 | 【学生困难】:女生报名上吉他课,但是由于sign up的学生太少,所以被cancel了。 【解决方案】:女生自己说了两个方案: 1. hire a private teacher who would teach the course once a week, but too expensive; 2. buy a book for beginner with a CD, it is cheaper, but not sure whether she could follow. | |
Question 6 | 【讲课要点】:一般来说旅游会污染环境,但是现在有一种新的生态旅游eco-tourism。这种旅游有两种方式: 1. walk and hike on mountains instead of taking the bus because the former causes less pollution; 2. teach tourists about environmental issues and help to repair damage, for example, planting trees in the damaged rainforest. |