日期:2012-12-30 17:13


above all - most importantly
account for - explain
as a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truth
as a rule - generally ;normally
about to - be ready to;be on the point of doing something
an old hand - be an experienced persom
any day now -soon
approach sb -talk to sb
be fed up with - be out of patience with
be on one"s own - live independently
be on the safe side - take no chances
be out of something - have no longer in supply
be tired of - be bored with ,frustrated with
be up to ones"ears - be extremely busy
be up to someone -be a person"s responsibility
be out for -trying to get
be out of the question - be unacceptable ,impossible
bite off more than one can chew - take on more than one can handle
break down - cease to function
break the ice - begin to be friendly wuth people one doesn"t know
break the news - inform or give bad news
brush up on - imporve noe"s knowledge of something through study
bump into - meet unexpectedly
by and large - in general
by heart - by memory
by all means - absolutely ,definitely
by no means - in no way
call off -cancel
cheer up - be happy
come down with - become sick with
come into -receive,especially after another"s death
come up with - think of
count on - depend upon
count out - eliminate
die down - become quiet ,become less
do without - manage without something
drop by - visit informally; pay a short visit
every other - alternate
fall behind - lag; fail to accomplish something on time
fall through - fail to happen or be completed

  • ceasev. 停止,终止 n. 停止
  • patiencen. 耐心,忍耐,毅力 n. 单人玩的牌戏
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • accomplishvt. 完成
  • experiencedadj. 有经验的
  • lagvi. 落后,缓慢进行,衰退 vt. 落后于,滞后于 n
  • unacceptableadj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的
  • informv. 通知,告诉,向 ... 报告,告发
  • chewvt. 咀嚼,嚼碎,损坏 vi. 咀嚼 n. 咀嚼,咀嚼