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日期:2012-11-27 13:35


Part I:极速词法

  1、mind在意; 2、actually adv. 实际上,其实;

  3、would rather宁肯,宁愿; 4、stand忍受,忍得住;

  5、smoking n. 吸烟; 6、give up放弃,戒掉

  7、indispensable adj. 不可缺少的;

  8、health n. 健康,身体; 9、few很少的;

  10、quit vt. 放弃,戒掉; 11、hobby n. 嗜好;

  12、completely adv. 完全地,彻底地;

  13、do sb. harm损害某人,对某人有坏处; 14、do sb. good对某人有 好处;

  15、dozens of times几十次; 16、get rid of摆脱;

  17、cigarette n. 香烟; 18、make coffee煮咖啡,冲咖啡;

  19、get in进门; 20、be a mess乱糟糟的; 21、sweep the floor扫地;

  22、mop the floor 拖地; 23、tidy and clean整齐又干净;

  24、Korean adj. 朝鲜的,韩国的;

  25、soap opera 肥皂剧,连续剧;

  26、all by oneself独自一人; 27、 turn off关掉;

  28、close the window关上窗;

  29、wind n. 风; 30、absolutely adv. 绝对地,完全地;

  31、fail vi. 失败; 32、habit n. 习惯;

  33、finally adv. 终于,最后

  Part II:极速句法


  Kenny:Does anyone mind if I smoke here?

  Carol:Well, actually, I’d rather you didn’t.

  Kenny:Oh, well, no problem. I can stand it.

  Kathy:Say, is smoking that indispensable? It’s bad to your health, you know.

  Kenny:I know that, but still, I don’t want to give it up. It’s one of my few hobbies.

  Carol:You’d better quit it completely. It does you more harm than good.

  Kenny:You can say that again. In fact, it’s very easy to give it up. I’ve done that dozens of times!

  Carol:But still, you can’t get rid of it!

  Kenny:I’ll quit it after I smoke one more cigarette.


  Joan:Does anyone want to go shopping with me?

  Penny:I’d rather stay and wait for the Smith sisters.

  Kathy:I’d rather make some coffee now so that they’ll have something to drink when they get in.

  Jenny:I’d rather lie down for a while so that I won’t feel sleepy when they are here.

  Susan:I’d rather do all the dishes so that the kitchen won’t be such a mess when they arrive.

  Carol:I’d rather sweep the floor so that our living room looks tidy and clean.

  Julia:I’d rather mop the floor after Carol sweeps it so that it will look even cleaner.

  Maggie:I’d rather do nothing but watch this interesting Korean soap opera.

  Judy:I’d rather have something to eat now so that I won’t fell hungry when they get here.

  Joan:Gee! It seems that I’ll have to do the shopping all by myself!


  1.Does anyone mind if I turn off the TV?—Well, actually, I’d rather you didn’t.

  2.Does anyone mind if I close the window?—Well, actually, I’d rather you did.

  3.I really can’t stand this wind. It’s so cold.

  4.Say, is she that indispensable to you?—Yes, she is absolutely indispensable to me.

  5.To learn English, a good dictionary is indispensable.

  6.A good dictionary is absolutely indispensable to learning English.

  7.I can’t work without a computer, so a computer is really indispensable to me.

  8.Eating too much is bad to your health.

  9.I’ll give up smoking. It does me more harm than good. In fact, it does me no good at all.

  10.It’s so hard to quit smoking. I’ve tried to do it many times but all failed.

  11.Never give up hope until the last minute.

  12.Never say that again! I’ve told you that dozens of times, but you don’t seem to remember it!

  13.You should get rid of this bad habit.

  14.I’ve finally got rid of him.

  15.Let me make some coffee for you.

  • tidyadj. 整齐的,整洁的,相当大的 vt. 使整洁,整理
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • indispensableadj. 不可缺少的
  • soapn. 肥皂 vt. 用肥皂洗,阿谀奉承
  • operan. 歌剧 n. 挪威Opera软件公司的浏览器软件