很多同学在答题时,一看到自己熟悉的题目就文思泉涌,滔滔不绝了。比如一道题目让描述你出行不选择火车的原因,同学给出了很好的原因,因为坐火车太慢,太无聊。好,后面的supporting reasons怎么说呢?好,先从上火车说起:
it is so boring to take the train. For example, when I went out traveling last year, I took the train. I had to get up early to catch up the train in the station. Long lines of people crowded by the train door and even more were pouring into the platform. I was unfortunately one of them. After spending over 10 minutes on the platform, finally I squeezed in the train and moved to my seat with a speed of the snail.
我们再来看下文的这段描写,topic sentence和细节描写很合理地衔接在了一起。
The train trip is full of pains. Just like my last experience, after boarding, the train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection. Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
2. 如何寻找可说材料?
我们解决了这个文不对题的问题,下面开始着手于说的内容了。说什么?既然文不对题的有的可说,那么对题的就不会很难去说了。你所做的就是去掉枝叶和你认为很必要的铺垫,留下精华的东西就可以了。像上文中所展示的完全可以用来作为不选择火车出行的原因,而不是乘火车太枯燥。那么如上面这个题目,我们同样可以这样像例子中这样的描写,也可以专注于一个细节,如因为长时间的听车轮的噪音,以及车厢内来来往往的乘客使得自己很难专注于做一件事,比如说读书;It is really hard to concentrate on one thing while I am on the train. The monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails, the forever coming and going people and also the shouts along with the sales cart will always distract my attention from the book.
或者要在车上过夜,自己在有噪音的环境中很难睡着,但是又无事可做,最后到达目的地时已经使得自己身心俱疲:You can't imagine how difficult to fall asleep in the train. Being a light sleeper, the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails, the nonstop patterns of other traveler's footsteps, even the sounds of snores, teeth grinding of my neighbors can all wake me out suddenly. To fall asleep in the train for me is a torture, I would rather prefer staying up the whole night instead.
3. 时常练口语