日期:2012-05-16 15:05


  51. 吸引 attract (allure, tempt) 52. 专注的 be absorbed in(be immersed in, devote oneself to) 53. 目的是aim at ( The purpose is ) 54. 实现 achieve (fulfill, implement) 55. 危害 endanger ( threaten; jeopardize) 56. 损害 undermine (impair, damage) 57. 阻碍 hinder (obstruct, impede) 58. 禁止 forbid (ban, prohibit) 59. 责备 blame( denounce, criticize) 60. 污染 pollute (contaminate, stain)
  61. 腐蚀 erode(wear away, corrode) 62. 欺骗 deceive (cheat, defraud) 63. 冲突 conflict ( shock, tension) 64. 驱使 prompt (spur, incite) 65.贪婪的 acquisitive(money-oriented,materialistic) 66. 自私的 self-centered (selfish, inconsiderate) 67.体谅的 considerate (understanding, sympathetic) 68. 冷漠的 indifferent (apathetic, aloof) 69. 奢侈的 wasteful (luxurious, extravagant)
  70. 残忍的 inhumane(brutal, barbaric) 71. 绝望的 hopeless(despairing, desperate) 72. 过分的 excessive (extravagant, exorbitant) 73. 激烈的 intense (fierce, vigorous) 74. 严厉的 stringent (rigorous, rigid) 75. 奇怪的 eccentric (odd, peculiar) 76. 难以置信的 unbelievable(incredulous, virtual) 77. 惊人的 extraordinary (marvelous, spectacular) 78. 有抱负的 ambitious(aggressive, aspirant)79. 固有的 inherent(nature, innate) 80. 稳定的 steady (stable, constant)
  81.恶化 worsen (aggravate, deteriorate) 82. 夸大 exaggerate ( overstate) 83. 限制 restrain (constrain, confine) 84. 拆除 tear down(knock down, pull down) 85. 加速 accelerate (speed up, precipitate) 86. 占优势 predominate (dominate) 87. 分辨 distinguish (differentiate, discern) 88.抵消 counteract (offset, cancel out) 89. 开展 launch (conduct, carry out) 90. 颁布 enact (enforce, promulgate )
  91. 生活节奏 pace of life(rhythm of life, tempo of life) 92. 影响 influence(effect, impact) 93. 差异 difference (distinction, gap) 94. 交流 communicate(exchange, associate) 95. 接触 have access to (make contact with, keep in touch with) 96. 优先 give priority to (put…into first place) 97. 节约 economize ( conserve, cherish) 98. 参与 participate in ( take part in, engage in) 99. 措施 measure (step, action) 100. 注意 beware ( prevent, guard against)

  • criticizevt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难 vi. 批评
  • engagev. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚
  • luxuriousadj. 奢侈的,豪华的
  • deceivevt. 欺骗 vi. 行骗
  • excessiveadj. 过多的,过分的
  • intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的
  • predominatev. 占优势,支配,统治
  • desperateadj. 绝望的,不顾一切的
  • ambitiousadj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的