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日期:2012-05-04 16:48



handle--deal withindeed — in fact
haphazard — randomindigenous — native
harness— put into useindispensable — essential / necessary
hazard — riskinduce — cause, generate, bring about;persuade
heyday—high pointinevitable — certain
hidden — reducedinflation---expansion
hint— clue, indication, implication, leadinformative — instructive
hurdle— obstacleingenious—very clever
hypothetical ---supposedingenuity— cleverness, creativeness,inventiveness
immense — large
immersed — coveredinherent — essential
immutable — unchangeableinitial — first / start
impact— influenceinitially — originally
impart— provide, giveinordinate— excessive
impede— inhibitinstigate— cause
impediment — obstructioninstructive—informative
impending — approachingintangible---nonmaterial
imperceptible—subtleintegrated— interconnected
impermeable -- impenetrableintegration — union
impetus — stimulus / incentiveinterlock—link
implant — insertintermediate— in-between
implausible— unlikely, unbelievableintermittent---from time to time
implement— tool, appliance, deviceinterplay— interaction
imply--indicateinterval— period
in earnest— seriouslyintervening years — between years
in principle---theoreticallyintimate with — be familiar with /close
in tandem— togetherintricate — complex / complicated
inadvertently— accidentally, unintentionally,without knowingintrigue — fascinate
intriguing— interesting, fascinating
incentive— motivationintrinsic— inherent, essential, substantial,fundamental
incidentally— by the way
inclement— unfavorableintrusive— interfering, meddlesome
inconclusive— indecisive, indefiniteinviolable— without exception, allowing no rule
incorporate — combine

  • implicationn. 暗示,含意,牵连,卷入
  • complexadj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的 n. 复合体,综合体,
  • exceptionn. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对
  • clevernessn. 聪明,机灵
  • indecisiveadj. 犹豫不决的;非决定性的
  • generatevt. 产生,发生,引起
  • unlikelyadj. 不太可能的
  • inherentadj. 内在的,固有的
  • substantialadj. 实质的,可观的,大量的,坚固的 n. 重要部份
  • essentialn. 要素,要点 adj. 必要的,重要的,本质的