日期:2014-07-07 09:20



Long ago there was a prince who unwisely confided the media __1__ that while tending his loved garden, he often talked to his plants. __2__ He also warned his future subjects about losing touch with their natural surrounding and their rich cultural heritage. But the people __3__ scoffed and said it was the fuddy-duddy Prince and was out of __4__ touch. And they shook heads at the madness of the Prince’s forebear,King George III, who famously talked with a tree he had mistaken the King of Prussia. __5__ These days Britain’s Prince of Wales is still considered a tad eccentric. But increasingly, Charles Philip Windsor is winning applause for his campaign to combat that he calls the wanton destruction __6__ that has taken place with the name of progress. For 30 years __7__ the Prince has been in the forefront to promote kinder, gentler farming methods; protect Britain’s countryside urban sprawl; improve __8__ city landscapes; and safeguard the nation’s architectural heritage. And whereas his once a lonely if plumy voice crying in __9__ the wilderness, the Prince has seen many of his once maverick opinions became mainstream. __10__


1.confided 后面加to。向某人透露……,应该用confide to sb
2.loved改为 beloved。loved只能用于被动语态,表示动作。不论是做表语还是定语,都只能用beloved。
3.surrounding改为surroundings。“surrounding” 是形容词,意思是“周围的”,当它做名词是,意思是“环境”,只能用surroundings。
7.将with改为in。In the name of 以为“以……名义”,为固定搭配。这里意思是:以进步为名义恣意的破坏。
8.在urban前加from。Protect …from…为固定搭配,指的是“保护……不受……的侵害”
9.once 前加 was。这里“his” 代表“his voice”,很明显这里缺少谓语动词。这里指“虽然他的声音曾经在荒野里哭喊,但是却无人聆听”。
10.将became改为become。See…do sth 为固定搭配

  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • maverickn. 未打烙印的小牛,持不同意见者 adj. 标新立异的
  • eccentricadj. 古怪的,反常的,不同圆心的 n. 怪人
  • confidev. 吐露,信托,信赖
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • applausen. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许 v. 鼓掌
  • combatn. 争斗,战斗 vt. 打斗 vi. 战斗,与 ...
  • destructionn. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者
  • safeguardn. 保卫者,保护措施 vt. 保卫,保护
  • urbanadj. 城市的,都市的