1. Thanatopsis is a poem by____.
A Ralph Waldo Emerson
B Walt Whitman
C William Cullen Bryant
D Henry David Thoreau
2. To a Waterfowl and The Yellow Violet are poems by ____.
A Ralph Waldo Emerson
B Walt Whitman
C William Cullen Bryant
D Henry David Thoreau
3. Nature was written by ____.
A Henry David Thoreau
B Ralph Waldo Emerson
C Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
D James Russell Lowell
4. Walden was written by ____.
A Henry David Thoreau
B Ralph Waldo Emerson
C Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
D James Russell Lowell
5. The Song of Hiwatha was written by_______.
A Henry David Thoreau
B Ralph Waldo Emerson
C Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
D James Russell Lowell
6. I’m Nobody is a poem by ____in the form of “dramatic monologue”.
A Ralph Waldo Emerson
B Emily Dickinson
C Edgar Allan Poe
D Robert Browning
7. Which of the following is not written by the author of The Scarlet Letter?
A The House of the Seven Gables
B Young Goodman Brown
C The Fall of the House of Usher
D The Minister’s Black Veil
8. Twice-Told Tales was written by___.
A Edgar Allan Poe B Nathaniel Hawthorn
C Herman Melville D Henry James
9. Moby Dick is a novel by ______.
A Edgar Allan Poe B Nathaniel Hawthorn
C Herman Melville D Henry James
10. Tybee was written by____.
A Edgar Allan Poe B Nathaniel Hawthorn
C Herman Melville D Henry James
1. 选C
威廉.柯伦.布赖恩特(William Cullen Bryant)是美国主流浪主义诗人,《死亡随想曲》(Thanatopsis)是它第一首成熟的代表作。
2. 选C
《黄色堇香花》(The Yellow Violet)和《致水鸟》(Waterfowl)是威廉.柯伦.布赖恩特(William Cullen Bryan)所作的两首诗。
3. 选B
1836年,拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)发表了《自然》(Nature),这本书被称为“超验主义宣言”,集中阐述了他的超验主义思想的基本观点。
4. 选A
亨利.大卫.梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)独自在家乡沃尔登湖畔生活了两年,把超验主义的原则和自己的哲理信念付诸于实践,《沃尔登湖》(Walden)详细描写他在湖畔的生活,宣传自然的美好,批评资本主义文明的消极影响,呼吁人们返璞归真,到自然中去寻找生活的意义和丰富的精神世界。
5. 选C
《海华沙之歌》(The Song of Hiwatha)是美国诗人亨利.华兹华斯.朗费罗德诗作。
6. 选B
《我是无名之辈》(I’m Nobody)是美国19世纪女诗人艾米利.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的诗作,整首诗采用了“戏剧独白”( dramatic monologue)的形式,诗中叙述着一第一人称出现,谈论名声所带来的累赘。
7. 选C
《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是纳桑尼尔.霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorn)的小说,他其他的小说还包括《七个尖角阁的房子》(The House of the Seven Gables),《年轻的古德曼布朗》(Young Goodman Brown),《牧师的黑面纱》(The Minister’s Black Veil),《厄舍古屋的倒塌》(The Fall of the House of Usher)是艾伦.坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的小说。
8. 选B
《重复一遍的故事》(Twice-Told Tales)是纳桑尼尔.霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorn)的短篇小说集。
9. 选C
《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是赫尔曼.梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)的代表作。
《泰比》(Tybee)赫尔曼.梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)的作品。