1___ The real centre of power in the British Parliament is ___.
A the King or the Queen
B the House of Commons
C the House of Lords
D the Cabinet
2___ The oldest part of British Parliament is ___.
A the House of Lords
B the House of Commons
C the Shadow of Cabinet
D the Chamber
3___ The national centre of the press in Britain is ___.
A Greet Russell Street
B Speakers' Corner
C Downing Street
D the Fleet Street
4___ Who was crowned "Emperor of the Romans" by the Pope in 800?
A St. Thomas Aquinas
B Constantine
C Charlemagne
D King James
5___ The Summa Theological was written by ___.
A St. Thomas Aquinas
B Constantine
C Alfred the Great
D Charles I
6___ Among the most typical English sports, having been in existence since the 16th century, is ___.
A rugby B cricket
C boxing D football
7___ The Great Charter (Magna Carta) was signed by ___ in 1215.
A King Henry I B King John
C King William I D King Richard
8___ "Song of Roland" belongs to which country's epic? ___.
A English B French
C Hebrew D Germanic
9___ The Gothic style started in ___ and quickly spread through all parts of western Europe.
A French B English
C Hebrew D Germanic
10___Ireland is called the Emerald Isle because of ___.
A its connection with British
B its green countryside
C its unique shape
D its abundant natural resources
1. 选B
英国议会由王室(the Crown)、上议院(the House of Lords)和下议院(the House of Commons)构成。其中具有实权和立法权的是下议院,自1964年以来,上议院无权阻止被下议院通过的立法。
2. 选A
英国议会中最古老的部分是上议院(the House of Lords),它是由国王咨询会议(Great Council)发展而来的。
3. 选D
the Fleet Street(舰队报),英国报纸和出版事业的中心,位于伦敦泰晤士河畔。18、19世纪以来成为英国“报纸王国”和左右英国舆论的中心。《泰晤士报》、《每日邮报》和《金融时报》等都在次发行。Downing Street(唐宁街)为英国首相官邸所在地。Speakers’ Corner(自由论坛之角)在位于伦敦市区城西的威斯敏斯特区的Hyde Park(海得公园)里。
4. 选C
5. 选A
St. Thomas Aquinas(圣.托马斯.阿奎那)中世纪意大利神学家和经院哲学家,他的哲学和神学称为托马斯主义。其代表作Summa Theological《神学大全》几乎概括了中世纪神学的所有知识。
6. 选B
英国人最典型的体育运动是板球,而足球是最受英国人欢迎的运动。因为足球于19世纪出现在英格兰。1863年足球协会(Football Association)在英格兰成立。
7. 选B
The Great Charter(英国大宪章),是1215年英国国王(1199--1216)亨利二世之子——King John(约翰)在以兰顿(Langton)为首的贵族和教士们的压力下签署的重要政治法律文件。该宪章主要内容为保障贵族利益,限制王权。大宪章被认为是维护公民权不受王权侵犯的重要文件。
8. 选B
9. 选A
Gothic Style哥特式的建筑风格于12世纪中叶始于法国,然后流行整个欧洲,这种尖拱式的建筑风格一直持续到16世纪。。
10. 选B
Emerald翡翠率的意思,Emerald Isle(翡翠岛)是Ireland岛的别称。