Should the Pirate Software and Movies beBanned?
The pirated software means a great loss tothe developers of the original software as the former erodes marketshares oftheir original counterpart. Similarly, when the pirated movies attract moreviewers, movie companies find their audience decreasing and accordingly theirincome down.
The other side of the coin is that thepirated software and movies promise their consumers a number of benefits. Forone thing, they are much cheaper than the original. For another allow theircustomers cheaper access to more tools and entertainment. They are poplarbecause they seem to cater better for the interest of their customers.
Despite these seeming benefits, thepirated software and movies should be banned, because by nature they representunfair competition in our economic life. Encouraged or left out of control,they would upset normal competition and eventually lead to the breakdown ofeconomic order. Software developers would cease to offer products of qualityand movie companies would refuse to produce good movies. If all this happened,ultimately customers would have to suffer. Therefore, we’d better stop thepirated software and movies.