把单词放在短语或者短句里,快速浏览,能在SAT考前加深难词印象。非常适合SAT考前一周突击。 下面天道小编为大家搜集整理了SAT考前一周突击:句子填空单词语境记忆的详细介绍,希望能够帮助各位同学更好地备考SAT考试。
1. rescind an agreement废除协定
2. repeal a grant取消一项补助金
3. a marginal increase in pay工资的小额增长
4. nullify a contract取消合同
5. peripheral details细枝末节
6. He was a cerebral type.他是属于理智型的人。
7. Chess is a cerebral game.象棋是一种用脑筋的游戏。
8. Don’t be facetious about serious matters.对于严肃事情别那么没正经的。
9. a cataclysmic nuclear war灾难性的核战争
10. The details are inconsequential.这些细节无关宏旨。
11. inane chatter无聊的絮叨闲扯
12. an inapt term不恰当的措辞
13. inapt use of machinery使用机器不熟练
14. impugn the present system of education抨击现行的教育制度
15. a cosmopolitan diplomat一位见多识广的外交官
16. John’s expansive personality约翰的豪爽性格
17. an expansive smile爽朗的微笑
18. expansive living阔绰的生活
19. have an expansive acquaintance交际广泛
20. a business dominated by artifice靠欺骗手段运行的企业
21. an inscrutable expression神秘莫测的表情
22. Michelangelo’s highly idiosyncratic style of painting米开朗琪罗别具一格的绘画风格
23. We all have our own idiosyncratic ways of coping with grief…我们各人都有自己独特的应付悲痛的方式
24. subversive literature煽动性文学
25. The new regime regarded teaching as a subversive activity新政权把教学看作一种颠覆活动
26. This list is by no means exhaustive.这份名单并不详尽。
27. He studied the problem in exhaustive detail…他彻底而详尽地研究了这一问题。
28. A certain amount can be garnered from the British press.从英国的报刊上可以收集到一定数量的资料。
29. …a series of popular talks intended to edify and entertain…一系列旨在启迪和娱乐民众的通俗演说
30. The denotation本义 of “home” is “place where one lives”, but it has many connotations.隐含意义
31. Snow is quite an apparition(特异景象的出现) in Florida.在福罗里达下雪可是一种难得看见的奇景。
32. a reflective look一副思索的神态
33. incongruous manners失当的举止;incongruous colors不协调的颜色
34. a discerning mind敏锐的思想(聪明的,有洞察力的)
35. He has vacuous eyes.他有一双无神的眼睛。
36. a facile liar信口扯谎的人
37. an ingenuous country girl率直的乡村姑娘
38. in remorseful pain在悔恨的痛苦之中
39. carp about the young指摘青年人这也不是那也不是
40. She’s always carping at her husband.她老是在找她丈夫茬儿。
41. recant a heresy放弃异教信仰
42. Both sides agreed to call a truce.双方同意宣布休战。
43. He smiled, relishing his moment of command.他微微一笑,品尝着这一发号施令的愉快。
44. a rambling old house一幢大而无当的旧宅(布局凌乱的)
45. a verbose speech冗长的演说
46. He is erudite and lucid about political affairs.他对政治事务知识渊博,观点清晰。
47. say in a jocular fashion以打趣的方式说
48. an intrepid fighter无畏的战士
49. a sober attitude to a problem对问题的清醒态度
50. a somber sky阴沉沉的天空
51. The insurance company reimbursed him for his loss in the fire.保险公司赔偿了他的火灾损失。
52. demand financial restitution要求经济赔偿
53. grant suffrage to women给妇女以选举权
54. take solace in alcohol借酒浇愁
55. levy a tax on tobacco征收烟草税
56. The demographic trend in this city is towards an older population.这座城市的人口呈现老龄化的趋势。
57. His statement was merely conjectural, not proved.他的陈述只不过是猜测而已,并未得到证实。
58. The book is very readable and pleasantly anecdotal.这本书颇有可读性,其中还有许多奇闻异事。
59. a servile rebellion奴隶起义
60. servile labors卑贱的活计
61. servile obedience奴性的顺从
62. That restaurant serves banal food.那家饭馆供应的饭菜全无特色。
63. ostentatious ceremonies讲究排场的仪式
64. Americans are lavish, generous, and ostentatious.美国人花钱大手大脚、慷慨且喜欢摆阔。
65. In his mind there lurked some vestigial traces of conscience.在他的内心还隐藏着些许残余的良知。(残余的,器官等退还的)
66. He had a prodigious appetite.他胃口极大。
67. The mail was prodigious.邮件数量庞大。
68. a kinetic, creative force一种有生气的创造力(令人振奋的)
69. our increasingly litigious society(好打官司的)
70. a strident voice刺耳的声音
71. the haphazard use of power随意使用权力
72. The polemical dispute between the two countries deepens.两国间的论战日趋激烈。
73. a steadfast friend坚贞不渝的朋友
74. steadfast support坚定的支持
75. incantation咒语
76. disaffected soldiers心怀不满的士兵们
77. The army was disaffected and tried to drive out the government.陆军心怀不忠,试图推翻政府。
78. call for unstinting support要求慷慨的支持
79. an evenhanded criticism公正的批评
80. If he moved too quickly, he might provoke a backlash from the diehards.他若操之过急,可能会引起死硬派的强烈反对。
81. unsettling news令人不安的消息
82. an incomplete and disjointed history一部既不完整又不连贯的历史书
83. unleash anger on sb对某人泄怒
84. a scathing condemnation严厉的谴责
85. scathing scorn尖刻的嘲弄
86. a bombastic speech一篇夸夸其谈的演说
87. Sonny was a strong, stocky boy, pugnacious and quick to take offence…桑尼是个强健粗壮的男孩,生性好斗,动不动就生气
88. Max gave his wife a perfunctory kiss.麦克斯漫不经心地吻了妻子一下。
89. There was a perfunctory search of his bags at London Airport.在伦敦机场对他的包裹作了马虎的搜查。
90. a daunting task令人畏惧的任务
91. Was Hearst culpable? To what extent? 豪斯特该不该负责任?该负多大程度的责任?
92. Daniel was enthralled by the book.丹尼尔被那本书吸引住了。
93. The speaker vocalized the feeling of the entire group. 演说者讲出了全体的心声。
94. He improvised a song about the football team’s victory.他就足球队的胜利即兴谱写了一首歌。
95. She welcomed adlib questions.她欢迎当场即兴提问。
96. The actor forgot his lines and had to extemporize.演员忘了台词,于是只好临场编凑。
97. unprincipled behavior不道德的行为
98. an unprincipled rogue无耻之徒
99. This dictionary is more descriptive than prescriptive.这部词典重客观描述而不是主观规范。
100. prescriptive usage规范用法
101. Some fish are very fertile. 有些鱼的繁殖能力很强。
102. fertile fields肥沃的土地
103. regressive and immature倒退和不成熟
104. I prefer the contemplative side of Sibelius.我更喜欢西贝留斯沉思的一面。
105. I’m bored with sedentary work.我对坐办公室的工作已经腻了。
106. a dissolute life放荡的生活
107. She finally relinquished all hope of getting custody of the child.她终于放弃了取得对孩子监护权的一切希望。
108. itinerant teaching巡回教学
109. augment one’s income增加自己的收入
110. tolerate each other’s little foible
111. Do politicians mind being satirized every week in this television programme?
112. He managed to spoof and terrorize the local officials by impersonating a government inspector.他装扮成政府视察员,戏弄并吓唬了当地的官员。
113. a denizen of the village该村的居民
114. glorify hardship and struggle颂扬艰苦奋斗
115. seek corroboration for one’s views为自己的观点寻求佐证
116. The list is interminable. 名单长得没完没了。
117. forestall one’s competitors比竞争者占先一步
118. clandestine weapons production秘密进行的武器生产
119. cheaper quarters in less prestigious parts of a town城里名声较差地区的较廉价的住房
120. with covert malice以隐怀的恶意
121. a substantive country独立国家
122. a substantive reduction in atomic weapons原子武器的大幅度消减
123. She gave him a look of commiseration.她向他投以同情的目光。
124. To my utter consternation, he burst into tears.使我不胜惊愕的是,他突然大哭起来。
125. I told her that there could never be a reconciliation between us.我对她说过,我们之间永远不可能重归于好。
126. His pupils regarded him with veneration.学生们非常崇敬他。
127. This is a narrow and parochial view.这种观点偏狭。
128. a person with a bellicose disposition 好斗成性的人
129. a perfidious act背信弃义之举
130. If we surrender on this small issue, they undoubtedly will escalate their demands.如果我们在这个小问题上让步,他们肯定会得寸进尺提出要求。
131. a convoluted process of reasoning错综复杂的推理过程
132. mediate in a quarrel为吵架双方进行调解
133. The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years. 这房子很坚固,100年也不会坏。
134. unbounded courage无限的勇气
135. unbounded ambition极大的野心
136. paucity of material资料缺乏
137. They had a spate of bad luck.我们碰到一连串厄运。
138. act from expediency, not from principle从权宜考虑出发,而非按原则行事
139. sacrifice morality for expediency为了一己眼前利益而不顾道德
140. a circumspect driver谨慎的驾驶员
141. Mountain climbing requires courage and tenacity.爬山需要勇气和顽强。
142. a derivative artist无独创性的艺术家
143. smuggle opium and its derivatives走私鸦片及其制剂
144. What he said was pure conjecture.他所说的纯属猜测。
145. Donating a new library to the school was a munificent gesture.向学校捐助一座新图书馆是慷慨之举。
146. a modicum of enthusiasm一点儿热情
147. He hasn’t a modicum of common sense.他连一丁点儿常识都没有。
148. a European and Japanese business resurgence欧盟与日本之间贸易的再勃兴
149. quarantine children from all emotional contact with adults阻止孩子与成人进行情感交流
150. Nothing will induce me to do that.说什么我也不会那么干。
151. a counterfeit diamond假钻石
152. the misapplication of techniques技术的应用不当
153. the misapplication of resources滥用资源
154. exacerbate one’s misery加深自己的不幸
155. mishandle a dog虐待狗;mishandle the crisis错误地处理危机