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日期:2013-08-23 09:05




Art forgery is a peculiar curse. Reliant on camouflage and deception, on the rhetoric of the believable lie, it is an act both audacious and self-effacing. For the imitation to succeed in fooling us, it must resemble one or more works that we have been led to believe are undoctored originals. Without something to mimic, the fake could not exist. And the forger of old masters’ drawings, like the forger of twenty-dollar bills or United States’ passports must be skilled enough to fool eyes that by now are practiced at uncovering deceit.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) describe the motivations of art forgers

(B) indicate the artistic merit of particular forgeries

(C) discuss the challenges facing art forgers

(D) catalogue the skills of a successful art forger

(E) illustrate the public’s ignorance about art forgery


艺术赝品是一个特殊的诅咒。(它)依赖于伪装和欺骗,是对于看起来可信的谎言的包装和修饰,这是一个既大胆又隐晦的行为。要制作成功愚弄我们的仿制品,必须有一到两点可以说服我们这是未入档真品。没有可以模仿的对象,赝品就不可能存在,比如 对于大师们绘画的描写,比如二十美元的钞票或美国护照的伪造,伪造者必须技巧熟练到足够迷惑到那些历经骗局的眼睛。


主旨题,定位原文的关键词为Art forgery,而且为概括性的art forgery 而非某一样,所以寻找原文,直接排除D,然后定位原文的核心词,A是motivations, B是merits, C是challeges,E是ignorance,排除E和B,而且文章也没有讲动机,而是技巧和挑战,所以排除A,阅读C选项“讨论 art forgers面临的挑战”和原文中对于行为的描述,以及要求和eyes的描述,可以确定为C


  • camouflagen. 伪装,掩饰,迷彩服 v. 伪装,欺瞒
  • ignorancen. 无知
  • deceptionn. 骗局,诡计,欺诈
  • forgern. 伪造者,膺造者,铁匠
  • illustratev. 举例说明,(为书)作插图,图解
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • deceitn. 欺骗,诡计,不诚实
  • cursen. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端 vt. 咒骂,诅咒,使受罪 vi
  • artisticadj. 艺术的
  • imitationn. 模仿,效法 adj. 假造的,冒充的