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日期:2013-08-12 09:25



1.Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly ------- , capable of distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.

(A) rigid

(B) inert

(C) erratic

(D) keen

(E) innate

2.Exotics and indigenous weeds include some of the most ------- species: their visual impact often eclipses that of nearby plants.

(A) lethal

(B) diffuse

(C) varied

(D) striking

(E) resilient

3.So that she would not be considered ------- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ------- her plans before she started to implement them.

(A) capricious . . ridiculed

(B) deliberative . . ignored

(C) impulsive . . approved

(D) tardy . . designed

(E) provocative . . mislaid

4.It was difficult to believe that the sophisticated piece of technology had ------- through the centuries from such ------- and rudimentary apparatus.

(A) developed . . an intricate

(B) resulted . . a complicated

(C) evolved . . a quaint

(D) degenerated . . an obsolescent

(E) differed . . an exotic

5.According to Burgess, a novelist should not ------- , for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.

(A) invent

(B) offend

(C) inform

(D) preach

(E) distort

6.The senator chose to incur dislike rather than ------- her principles to win favor with the public.

(A) gratify

(B) endorse

(C) accuse

(D) compromise

(E) advertise


1.The correct answer is D


One of the meanings of “keen” is “acutely sensitive.” Therefore, if our sense of smell is keen or acutely sensitive, it is capable of “distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.”

2.The correct answer is D


A “striking,” or showy, weed could indeed be said to “eclipse,” or overshadow, other plants that have more typical appearances.

3.The correct answer is C


“Impulsive” means acting suddenly, abruptly, or without premeditation. To approve something is to consent to or confirm it. The sentence suggests that the department head was concerned about how her actions would be viewed. If she were concerned about the possibility of being considered too abrupt or thoughtless in her plans, or about thinking them through insufficiently before acting on them, she certainly might have wanted to have her plans "approved" by others before she implemented them, or carried them out. It makes sense to say that the department head had the advisory committee members confirm or sanction her plans so that she would not be considered impulsive.

4.The correct answer is C


The phrase “through the centuries” suggests that the first missing term will describe how the “sophisticated piece of technology” developed over a period of time. The word “such” indicates that the second missing term will contrast with “sophisticated.” Only “evolved . . a quaint” satisfies both requirements.

5.The correct answer is D


Burgess believes that preaching or sermonizing is not appropriate in good fiction.

6.The correct answer is D


This very principled politician would rather be unpopular than compromise, or accept changes in, her ideals.


  • keenadj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的
  • inertadj. 惰性的,迟钝的
  • eclipsen. 日或月食,丧失,没落 vt. 形成日或月食,使 .
  • rudimentaryadj. 基本的,初步的
  • appropriateadj. 适当的,相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用
  • unpopularadj. 不流行的,不受欢迎的
  • inventvt. 发明,创造,捏造
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • apparatusn. 装置,器具,器官,机构,组织
  • implementn. 工具,器具; 当工具的物品 vt. 实施,执行;