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日期:2013-07-31 13:11



1.The rumor was of the ------- variety, spreading slowly and almost imperceptibly until, finally, everyone seemed to have heard the story.

(A) manifest

(B) dilatory

(C) insidious

(D) aggressive

(E) expeditious

2.Ray was ------- gambler who had seldom gone a day without indulging his expensive habit.

(A) an inveterate

(B) a dubious

(C) an occasional

(D) a novice

(E) an obnoxious

3.Instead of praising the ------- employees who worked late every night to ensure that the project was finished on time, the manager criticized them for not having ------- the work sooner.

(A) assiduous . . complicated

(B) lethargic . . finalized

(C) meticulous . . discarded

(D) diligent . . completed

(E) neglectful . . overlooked

4.There has been little ------- criticism written about de la Mare; indeed, that which has been written is at the two extremes, either appallingly ------- or bitterly antagonistic.

(A) hostile . . ambiguous

(B) recent . . illogical

(C) fervent . . complimentary

(D) objective . . sycophantic

(E) temperate . . censorious


1.The correct answer is C


Choice (C) is correct. A rumor that spreads slowly and subtly can be described as “insidious.”

2.The correct answer is A


Choice (A) is correct. If this term were inserted into the sentence, the sentence would read “Ray was an inveterate gambler who had seldom gone a day without indulging in his expensive habit.” The term “inveterate” describes something that is established by a persistent habit. If Ray had “seldom gone a day” without gambling, one could certainly say that gambling was his persistent habit. Therefore, it makes sense to describe Ray as “an inveterate gambler.”

3.The correct answer is D


Because the employees worked long hours to make sure that the project was finished on time, it makes sense to say that they are “diligent,” or that they show care and consideration in their work and duties. And it is possible that a manager would criticize employees for not having “completed” the project ahead of schedule, even though they did finish the project on time.

4.The correct answer is D


While both “complimentary” and “sycophantic” are opposed to “antagonistic,” only “objective” fits logically in the first blank.


  • imperceptiblyadv. 极微地;微细地;察觉不到地
  • hostileadj. 怀敌意的,敌对的
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • complimentaryadj. 问候的,称赞的,夸奖的,免费赠送的
  • meticulousadj. 一丝不苟的,精确的
  • dilatoryadj. 缓慢的,拖拉的,拖延的
  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的
  • considerationn. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见 n. 报酬
  • subtlyadv. 敏锐地,巧妙地,精细地
  • criticizevt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难 vi. 批评