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日期:2013-07-03 16:36



  Discourse (论述): spoken or written language, including literary works; the four traditionally classified modes of discourse are description, exposition, narration, and persuasion

  Dissonance(不协和音): the grating of sounds that are harsh or do not go together

  Epigram(警句隽语): a concise, witty saying in poetry or prose that either stands alone or is part of a larger work; may also refer to a short poem of this type.

  Euphony(颂词): a succession of harmonious sounds used in poetry or prose; the opposite of cacophony.

  Exposition(说明): the immediate revelation to the audience of the setting and other background information necessary for understanding the plot; also, explanation; one of the four modes of discourse.

  Expressive(描述): another name for descriptive writing.

  Figurative language(比喻性的语言): language that contains figures of speech such as similes and metaphors in order to create associations that are imaginative rather than literal; also figures of sound

  Figures of sound(拟声): expressions that create aural images.

  Figures of speech(修辞格): expressions such as similes, metaphors, and personifications that make imaginative, rather than literal, comparisons or associations.

  Foil(衬托): a character who, by contrast, highlights the characteristics of another

  Folklore(民间传说): traditional stories, songs, dances, and customs that are preserved among a people; folklore usually precedes literature, being passed down orally between generations until recorded by scholars.

  Foreshadowing(铺垫): the use of a hint or clue to suggest a larger event that occurs later in the work.

  Genre(体裁): a type of literary work, such as a novel or poem; there are also subgenres, such as science fiction novel and sonnet, within the larger genres.

  Hubris(悲剧性自大特征): the excessive pride or ambition that leads a tragic hero to disregard warnings of impending doom, eventually causing his or her downfall.

  Humor(幽默诙谐): anything that causes laughter or amusement; up until the end of the Renaissance, humor meant a person’s temperament.

  Hyperbole(夸张): deliberate exaggeration in order to create humor or emphasis; overstatement

  Imagery(意象): words or phrases that use a collection of images to appeal to one or more of the five senses in order to create a mental picture.

  Informative(告知性): another name for expository writing

  Interior monologue(内心独白): writing that records the talking that occurs inside a character’s head.

  • hyperbolen. 夸张法
  • fictionn. 虚构,杜撰,小说
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • wittyadj. 富于机智的,诙谐的
  • immediateadj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的
  • exaggerationn. 夸张,夸大
  • persuasionn. 说服,劝说,信念
  • contrastn. 差别,对比,对照物 v. 对比,成对照 [计算机]
  • imaginativeadj. 富于想象力的
  • cacophonyn. 刺耳的声音,杂音