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日期:2013-05-08 17:55



  1. Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”


  难词注解:acclaim vt.向…欢呼,为…喝彩 render vt.提供

  语法分析:主语(Authors) 定语(who make this their motto), 插入语(in the name of artistic integrity), 谓语(can hardly be expected) 不定式(to tolerate) the attitudes of 定语(critically acclaimed nineteenth-century) novelists, 从句(who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” ) and 并列成分(that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.” )

  意群训练:Authors/ who make this their motto/, in the name of artistic integrity/, can hardly be expected/ to tolerate the attitudes of/ critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists/, who believed that/ their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” / and that to do so/ they must render their meanings/ “without an effort to the reader.”

  参考译文:将此奉为箴言的作家,就(作品)艺术的完整性的层面,很难容忍19 世纪受到评论界赞赏的小说家的态度。这些小说家认为自己的首要职责是“愉悦读者”,为实现该职责,他们必须把作品“不费吹灰之力”地展示给读者。

  2. The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the identification of a problem, the collection of relevant data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses that aim to solve the problem.


  难词注解:hypothesis n.假说,假设,前提

  语法分析:主语(The scientific method) 谓语(is) 宾语(the systematic pursuit of knowledge) 定语(involving the identification of a problem), 定语(the collection of relevant data through observation and experimentation), 定语(and the formulation and testing of hypotheses that aim to solve the problem).

   意群训练:The scientific method/ is the systematic pursuit of knowledge/ involving the identification of a problem/, the collection of relevant data through observation and experimentation/, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses/ that aim to solve the problem.


  3. Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to raise financial support at a rate nearly triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promised too much too soon.


  难词注解:triple v.(使)增至三倍

  语法分析:插入语(Indeed), 状语(in the last 25 years), 状语(in an effort to) 谓语(raise) 宾语(financial support) 介词短语(at a rate) 谓语(nearly triple) 宾语(that of the rest of society), 主语(the scientific community) 谓语(may have promised) 状语(too much too soon).

   意群训练:Indeed/, in the last 25 years/, in an effort to/ raise financial support/ at a rate nearly triple that of the rest of society/, the scientific community/ may have promised/ too much too soon.

  参考译文:在过去的 25 年中,为将经济支持提高到其它社会支持的三倍,科学团体确实付出很大的努力,也许有点急功近利。

  4. Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through not being used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise.


  难词注解:intuition n.直觉  atrophy v.萎缩,衰退  mediate v.调停, 斡旋  apprehension n.忧惧

  语法分析:Perhaps 主语(one) can 谓语(say) 补语(with more than mere intuition) 从句that (certain skills do atrophy through not being used), 从句that (an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities), and 从句that (to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise).

  意群训练:Perhaps one can say/ with more than mere intuition/ that certain skills do atrophy through not being used/, that an increasing reliance on electronics/ to mediate our apprehension of the world/ does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities/, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness/ is limiting and unwise.


  5. If there is a scientific rather than a sentimental answer, it might be one analogous to recognizing the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of species. The more the world becomes politically, economically, and culturally centralized, the more homogenized its ways of living, the more the dangers of sameness become apparent.


  难词注解:sentimental a.感伤的;多愁善感的  analogous a.相似的  paramount a.极为重要的, 至高无上的  homogenize v.使均匀,使一致

  语法分析:从句(If there is a scientific rather than a sentimental answer), 形式主语(it) 谓语(might be) one 定语(analogous to) 补语(recognizing the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of species). The more 主语(the world) 谓语(becomes) 补语(politically, economically, and culturally centralized), the more 谓语(homogenized) 主语(its ways of living), the more 主语(the dangers of sameness) 谓语(become) 表语(apparent).

  意群训练:If there is a scientific rather than a sentimental answer/, it might be one analogous/ to recognizing/ the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of species/. The more/ the world becomes politically, economically, and culturally centralized/, the more homogenized/ its ways of living/, the more/ the dangers of sameness/become apparent.



  • acclaimedn. 喝采,欢呼,赞同 v. 欢呼,喝采,称赞
  • formulationn. 形成,简洁陈述,公式化
  • motton. 座右铭,箴言
  • experimentationn. 实验,试验
  • mediateadj. 居间的,间接的 v. 斡旋,调停
  • acclaimn. 喝采,欢呼,赞同 v. 欢呼,喝采,称赞
  • sensitivityn. 敏感,多愁善感,感受性
  • diversityn. 差异,多样性,分集
  • apparentadj. 明显的,表面上的
  • solvev. 解决,解答