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日期:2012-07-13 12:18



  1.Between 1508 A(to) 1512, Michelangelo, B(working on) a scaffold 60 feet above the floor, painted the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome C(with hundreds of) giant figures D(that represented) his vision of the world’s creation. E(No error)

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  2.a (It depends on) where in the world it is b (located), an underground electric-railway system c (may be) called a subway, underground railway, tube, d (or metro). e (No error)

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  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  3.Today, A(also) representing nations B(and other) political entities, C(flags are used) D(to represent) youth groups, athletic competitions, and international bodies. E(No error)

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  4.Among the a(earliest telescopes) b(were) Galilean telescopes, modeled after the simple instruments c(built by) Galileo, the first person d(having used) telescopes to study the stars and planets. e(No error)

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  1.The correct answer is A

  The error in this sentence occurs at (A), where there is an inappropriate idiom. The idiom is “Between x and y,” not “Between x to y.”

  2.The correct answer is A

  The error in this sentence occurs at (A), where awkward phrasing and an unnecessary pronoun create a comma splice. The entire phrase “It depends on” can be reduced to “Depending on.”

  3.The correct answer is A

  The error in this sentence occurs at (A), where there is an improper idiom. The phrase “in addition to” is needed in place of “also.”

  4.The correct answer is D

  The error in this sentence occurs at (D), where there is an inappropriate verb form. The verb phrase “to have used” is needed to clearly express what Galileo was the first person to do.


  • chapeln. 小礼拜堂,礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会
  • scaffoldn. 鹰架,绞刑台,脚手架
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • comman. 逗号,停顿,间歇 n. 银纹多角蛱蝶
  • athleticadj. 运动的,活跃的,健壮的
  • unnecessaryadj. 不必要的,多余的
  • improperadj. 不合适的,错误的,不道德的
  • ceilingn. 天花板,上限
  • splicev. & n. 接合,衔接 vt. 拼接