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日期:2012-05-24 16:06




  The _________ swim instructor kept repeating the same lesson.

  A) dilatory

  B) pernicious

  C) superficial

  D) irksome

  E) boorish

  请问童鞋们知道这道题的5个选项中的几个单词?是滴,就算对美国人,这也是一道在词汇上比较难的题。值得注意的是,这道题选项中的单词都是一些basic words加上前缀或者后缀变成的新的单词。所以如果我们能够掌握一些常见的前缀或者后缀的话,我们做题的时候就可以根据联系推测出一些词语的意思了。



  再来看看选项D的irksome, 是由前缀"irk-"(去激怒,去扰动/to bother)和后缀"-some"(有...的倾向/tending to)组成的,所以意思基本上等于"bothersome."




  pre - before (hence pre-fix is a word that comes before)

  super - very or over (super-impose means to impose over)

  dis - not (dismembered means not membered or not together)

  uni - one (unicameral means one house)

  a - not (atypical means not typical)

  ex - out (exhale means breathe out)

  in - in (inhale means breathe in)

  neo - new (neoconservative means new conservative)

  post - after (postmodernism means after modernism)

  circum - around (circumvent the world means travel around the world)

  + ben - good (benevolent, beneficial, benefactor, etc. all carry positive charge)

  - mal - bad (malevolent, malnutrition, malice)

  re - again (to review is to view again)

  gen - birth (genealogy is study of family history)

  chron - time (chronology is study of time sequence)

  poly - many (polyunsaturated means many not saturated)

  intra - within (intraspecies means within one species)

  inter - between (interspecies means between different species)

  ante - before (antebellum means before a war)

  - hypo - too little (hypothermia means too low of body temperature)

  - hyper - too much (hyperactive means too active)


  - ble: able or capable (doable, corruptible, edible)

  - ous: full of (porous means full of pores, or in other words, easily transpired through)

  - ant: full of (elegant means full of elegance)

  - ose: full of (grandiose means full of grandeur, grand-ness)

  - fy: to make like the prefix (magnify means make larger, terrify means to make scared)

  - ate: to make like the prefix (procrastinate means to make a longer time)

  - ile: tending to (puerile means tending to childish-ness)

  - ism: belief (racism, sexism, nationalism, etc.)

  - tude: condition of (magnitude means the quantity of magnification)

  在掌握了单词中常见的前缀和后缀以后,我们就可以在SAT的阅读部分做得much better!! 来试试下面这道题吧~

  His ___________ skill at playing football was why we put up with his ___________ attitude.

  A. worthy ... positive

  B. lacking ... conceited

  C. considerable ... malicious

  D. dominating ... benign

  E. docile ... contemptuous

  首先,我们考虑一下这个句子的语气。从"put up with"(忍受,容忍)可以看出来他的attitude是不好的,因为人们不需要去"put up with"一个好的态度。

  其次,his ( ) skill was WHY they put up with his bad attitude. 所以他的skill 一定是好的,要不是人们也没有必要put up with his bad attitude. 因此,不难得知,第一个空格需要的是一个positive word,而第二个空格需要的是一个negative word.


  C)现在我们再来看看该怎么结合前缀来选择单词。mal-作为前缀意思是bad. malicious因此是bad-natured的意思。所以选项C中的第一个单词是positive的,第二个单词是negative的,可以作为后备正确选项。

  D) dominating 在这句话中是有一个positive的意思的,指有lots of skilli,但是第二个单词"benign" 有前缀ben-, 有好的意思,因此不符合第二个单词需要时negative word的条加盟,所以D选项可以被排除。

  E)docile在这里的意思是tending to sleep or dormant (有睡觉的趋势),所以不是我们需要的 positive first word.



  • malnutritionn. 营养不良
  • grandioseadj. 宏伟的,堂皇的,浮夸的
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • circumventvt. 围住,绕行,用计谋应付
  • beneficialadj. 有益的,有利的
  • superficialadj. 表面的,肤浅的
  • genealogyn. 宗谱;家系;血统;系谱学
  • dormantadj. 睡眠状态的,静止的 [计算机] 静止的
  • irksomeadj. 厌恶的,讨厌的,令人厌烦的
  • procrastinatev. 延迟,迁延,耽搁