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日期:2012-04-28 11:04



  1. react with

  2. allow/permit sb to do sth

  3. a wide range of

  4. be lack of; be lacking in

  5. amount to

  6. be credited with/to/as

  7. between.... and....

  8. collaborate with

  9. claim to do/to be/to sth/that +从句

  10. order sb to do sth/ that +从句

  11. from.... to.... ; until

  12. owe.... to....

  13. be equal/equivalent to

  14. regard/view.... to....

  15. account as

  16. suggest doing sth/ that +从句

  17. seek to do sth

  18. persuade sb to do sth

  19. be enrolled in

  20. be subjected to

  21. criticize sb as doing sth

  22. be fond of sth

  23. admire sb as sth

  24. at one time

  25. tend to

  26. interest in

  27. due to

  28. lead to

  29. at letot

  30. contrary to

  31. be equal to

  32. contribute to doing sth

  33. live in

  34. be dedicated to doing

  35. deal with 36. belong to

  37. it is estimated that

  38. be resistant to

  39. result from

  40. consist of

  41. in connection with

  42. transasm into

  43. take place

  44. excel at doing 擅长于

  45. be btoed on

  46. play a key role

  47. spread to

  48. come from

  49. be related to

  50. a minimum of

  51. begin to

  52. begin doing

  53. start to

  54. start doing

  55. cause/lead/enable/asce/order sb to do sth

  56. attempt to do sth

  57. expect sb to do sth; sb be expected to do sth; sb expect (it is expected) that +句子

  58. be compared to/with

  59. appear/seem to do

  60. at a time when +句子

  以上就是这60个SAT考试高频短语的全部内容, 后面没有汉语含义分析,部分短语附有用法的介绍,但是也是相对简单。大家如果想要记忆这些短语,可以通过工具书等进行更加详细的更加有针对性的备考和复习。

  • criticizevt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难 vi. 批评
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • excelvt. 超过,优于 vi. 胜出 n. [计] 电子表格
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • dedicatedadj. 专注的,献身的,专用的
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • rangen. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列 v. 排列,归类于
  • resistantadj. 抵抗的,反抗的 n. 抵抗者
  • equivalentadj. 等价的,相等的 n. 相等物