美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)明确规定了SAT数学试题的出题范围。表5-1-2是它的英文原文,表5-1-3是它的译文。尽管表中提到了一些吓人的字 眼,如数论,概率,统计,集合,想象题等,实际上是一些初级的的知识,国内高中学到的内容是足够的了,无需特别补学这些知识。至于其他内容,对中国学生来 说更是小菜一碟,不在话下。由此可见就内容而言,中国学生所掌握的知识足以应对SAT数学考试,故在此不再赘言。
表5-1-2 SAT数学考试的出题范围(英文)
Number and Operation | Arithmetic word problems (including percent, ratio, and proportion) |
Properties of integers (even, odd, prime numbers, divisibility, etc.) | |
Rational numbers | |
Sets (union, intersection, elements) | |
Counting techniques | |
Sequences and series (including exponential growth) | |
Elementary number theory | |
Algebra and Functions | Properties of exponents |
Algebraic word problems | |
Solutions of linear equations and inequalities | |
Systems of equations and inequalities | |
Quadratic equations | |
Rational and radical equations | |
Equations of lines | |
Absolute value | |
Direct and inverse variation | |
Concepts of algebraic functions | |
Geometry and Measurement | Area and perimeter of a polygon |
Area and circumference of a circle | |
Volume of a box, cube, and cylinder | |
Pythagorean Theorem and special properties of isosceles, equilateral, and right triangles | |
Properties of parallel and perpendicular lines | |
Coordinate geometry | |
Geometric visualization | |
Slope | |
Similarity | |
Transformations | |
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability | Data interpretation (tables and graphs) |
Descriptive statistics (mean, median, and mode) | |
Probability |
表5-1-3 SAT数学考试的出题范围(中文)
数和运算 | 算数应用题(包括百分数,比率和比例) |
整数性质(偶数,奇数,质数,整除性等等) | |
有理数 | |
集合(合集,交集,元素) | |
计数技术 | |
数列和级数(包括几何增长) | |
数论初步 | |
代数和函数 | 指数的性质 |
代数应用题 | |
求解线性方程和线性不等式 | |
方程组和不等式组 | |
一元二次方程 | |
有理和无理方程 | |
直线方程 | |
绝对值 | |
变量的正反关系 | |
代数函数的概念 | |
几何和测量 | 多边形的面积和周长 |
园的面积和周长 | |
立方体,正方体和圆柱体的体积 | |
勾股定理和等腰,等边,直角三角形的性质 | |
平行线,垂直线的性质 | |
解析几何初步 | |
几何想象题 | |
斜率 | |
相似 | |
转换 | |
数据分析,统计和概率 | 数据描述(表和图) |
统计知识(平均值,中位值,众数) | |
概率 |