Gen Z is sinking deeper into debt as higher costs for education and housing weigh them down
生活和教育成本攀升 美国年轻人债务负担日益沉重
Gen Z risk starting further and further behind previous generations building a life for themselves as soaring rents chew into their disposable income, leaving them deeper in a financial hole they are still digging.
According to new data from credit reporting agency TransUnion, these higher costs matched with their entry level salaries have forced young Americans born between 1997 and 2012 to rely much more often on expensive forms of revolving lines of debt—such as credit cards—to make ends meet.
“This is a generation that is feeling financial stress in a more acute way than millennials did a decade ago,” Charlie Wise, head of global research at TransUnion, told the Wall Street Journal.
The average open balance on US credit cards for Gen Z consumers grew to $2,834 last year versus $2,248 a decade earlier.
In Bank of America's annual Better Money Habits survey published in October, nearly three out of four said they have changed their spending habits to offset higher living expenses, by doing such things as cooking at home more frequently, limiting groceries to essential purchases and spending less on clothes.
Should this persist, their finances could create a structural impediment to longer-term US economic growth. An inability to build a financially secure foundation is often reason to delay plans for starting a family, inadvertently contributing to a further drop in US fertility rates, now at their lowest since records began a century ago.
审校:万月英 陈丹妮