The “Empire of lies” is the US
美国借乌克兰危机抹黑中国,“谎言帝国”名不虚传 小象漫评
As the Ukraine crisis has become world focus, some US politicians make use of it to pass the buck to China, even though they know the cause is NATO’s relentless eastward expansion.
全世界都在关注乌克兰危机 美国政客却乘机散布虚假信息 明明是北约东扩惹的祸 却非要甩锅给中国
The US has given up the mask and exposed its true face of “empire of lies”.
危机面前 美国撕下“民主人权”的面具 暴露出谎言帝国的真面目
Eighteen years ago, it used a tube of washing powder to strike Iraq.
其实美国撒的谎多了 拿着一瓶洗衣粉 就敢轰伊拉克
It is busy hyping up a “China collapse”, while it is the one in danger.
自己快撑不住了 却天天制造“中国崩溃论”
To quote Mike Pompeo, it cheats, it lies, it steals.
前国务卿蓬佩奥说得好 撒谎、欺骗、盗窃 是他们的三个大招
In the US, media outlets are controlled by capital, which only cares about making a profit.
美国是谎言帝国不是啥奇怪的事 媒体都受资本控制 没人真正关心这个世界的事
Anyone trying to tell the truth is maligned.
谁帮中国说点实话 就会被夹掉或者干脆炸号 给美国的“言论自由”增色不少
Time for US politicians to know that their fabricated lies will always go bankrupt one day, and their national credit will go bankrupt.
奉劝美国政客 编得再精心的谎言 也会有穿帮那一天 到时候不只是丢脸 整个国家信誉都会破产