May peace return to Ukraine
愿和平降临乌克兰 | 小象漫评
Efforts to maintain peace in the once rich and prosperous Ukraine have failed. War is not so far away from today’s world as some imagine.
谁都不愿意看到的战火 还是在乌克兰被点燃战争 离我们今天的世界 没有想象那么遥远
For a long time, Ukraine has been living under the shadow of the Cold War.
其实乌克兰早已是世界焦点 冷战阴影不散 局势紧张多年
Especially, as NATO’s relentless expansion eastward caused much anxiety to Russia;
特别是北约屡次东扩 完全无视俄罗斯的安全 成为酝酿冲突的根源
Once again, what has happened in Ukraine shows what happens to those that are misled by the US into being its pawns.
再有谁信了美国的忽悠 去当个所谓的盟友 岂不是往火坑里走?
The root cause of the deteriorating situation in Ukraine is the US.
乌克兰局势恶化到今天 责任其实在大西洋的另一边!
No matter how the situation plays out, it is certain local people will suffer.
战争或许有输赢 但受伤的一定是老百姓
We hope that all parties involved can stay calm and show their willingness to embrace peace again.
我们还是希望各方冷静 重新拥抱和平