If the character points out something that is blatantly obvious. In a world where one man has to save the world. Man: "I have to save the world."
Starts with too much exposition: "Mary, just because you have a medical degree from Harvard, I'm still your older brother!"
When the trailer slows down and the music stops so that the main character can say something very edgy/clever/unique.
Ugh, the damn 'I know what you’re thinking' bit. This has become such a trend in Disney movies where they have to be 'self-aware' and crap. How about instead of that, just have actual fresh ideas?
If there are multiple trailers for a comedy movie, but they use the same joke in all of them.
When the film opens with the shot of a bedside clock or the protagonist waking up. This usually means the rest of the film probably will swim in an ocean of overused tropes, clichés, and/or predictable plot points.
When they try forcing memes into it. It's either cringe or so outdated that it just looks stupid.
Shaky cam and quick-cut editing. Jumping over a fence? Twenty quick cuts. Take it or leave it.
When it's a remake of what most people already consider a great movie.
If it's a sequel that's coming out more than 10 years after its predecessor. Sometimes this works out, but a lot of times it doesn't.
When the advertising is blatantly obvious. I don't want a full shot of a Coke can for 10 seconds with no relevancy to the plot.
When they hype the movie's soundtrack more than the film itself.
When its streaming service description is just a list of its stars and their accolades, instead of anything about the movie's plot.
When you see TV commercials for a mainstream release at every turn for WEEKS ahead of its release. The studio is trying to make some money on it the first weekend before word gets out about how bad it is.
They quote glowing reviews from some publication in rural North Dakota, whose name you cannot even read on screen.