日期:2020-11-18 08:13


He was not an Edward Carpenter, who saw a link between the low status of women and the stigma attached to his homosexuality.


It would probably never have occurred to him that his own difficulties with the world were very akin to those suffered by women—as with the men's committee meetings held over his head, almost as if he were not there, and the way that people took little notice of what he had actually said or written, but remained obsessed by details of manners or appearance.


Women had to learn to compensate for these indignities by making a special effort, but Alan Turing made no such attempt.


He expected the male world to work for him, and was baffled when it did not.


He saw himself as a man doing a man's job in a man's world, and so far more conscious and definite, for him, was the fact that his love relations and power relations lay alike within that world.


In this respect Alan Turing took most of the parts that society allowed—comic, tragic, pastoral, exile, outsider, in-between, and finally that of victim.


But had also risen above these roles, not only by avoiding the usual lying and cheating that went with them, but by doing the one thing that a homosexual should never, never do: becoming responsible for something that mattered.

