But even there, in his choice of cryptanalysis as a suitable field for intelligent machinery, he had played down the difficulties arising from human interaction.
To portray cryptanalysis as a purely symbolic activity was very much a Hut 8 view of the war, sheltered from the politics and military activity, and trying to work in a self-contained way without interference from outside.
But they could not do without the fighting services. There had to be some integration of Intelligence and Operations, in order for Bletchley to have any meaning. Indeed, the difficulty of the authorities was that of trying to draw a line between them, where no line really existed.
The intelligence analysts invaded the field of appreciation. Appreciation held consequences for operations, which in turn were necessary for more effective cryptanalysis.
But the Operations actually happened, in the war-winning, ship-sinking physical world. It was hard to believe in Hut 8, where the war was like a dream, but they were actually doing something.
To the mathematicians, it might well be tempting to regard the machines and the pieces of paper as purely symbolic.
But the fact that they had physical embodiment mattered very much to those for whom knowledge was power.
If there was a real secret to Bletchley it lay in the integration of those different kinds of description of its activities: logical, political, economic, social.
It was so complex, not just within one system, but in its meshing of many systems, that a Churchillian 'Spirit of Britain' was as good an explanation of how it worked as any.
But Alan had always leant towards keeping his work self-contained, as a technical puzzle, and was resistant to what he regarded as administrative interference. It was the same problem with his model of the brain, as in his work for the Brain of Britain.
There was the same problem again, in the fate of the ACE.
Having set down a highly intelligent plan, Alan tended to assume that the political wheels would turn as if by magic to put it into effect.