But he argued that whatever kinds of continuous or random elements were involved in the system—as long as the brain worked in some definite way, in fact—it could be simulated as closely as one pleased by a discrete machine.
This was reasonable since it was only applying the same method of approximation as worked very well in most applied mathematics and in the replacement of analogue by digital devices.
Natural Wonders had begun by proposing the question, 'What have I in common with other living things, and how do I differ from them?'
Now Alan was asking what he had in common with a computer, and in what ways he differed.
Besides the distinction of 'continuous' and 'discrete', there was also that of 'controlling' and 'active' to consider.
Here he met the question as to whether his senses, muscular activity and bodily chemistry, were irrelevant to 'thinking', or at least, whether they could be absorbed into a purely 'controlling' model in which the physical effects did not matter.
Discussing this problem, he wrote: It will not be possible to apply exactly the same teaching process to the machine as to a normal child.
It will not, for instance, be provided with legs, so that it could not be asked to go out and fill the coal scuttle.
Possibly it might not have eyes. But however well these deficiencies might be overcome by clever engineering, one could not send the creature to school without the other children making excessive fun of it.
We need not be too concerned about the legs, eyes, etc.
The example of Miss Helen Keller shows that education can take place provided that communication in both directions between teacher and pupil can take place by some means or other.
He was not dogmatic about this line of argument. At the end of the article he wrote (perhaps so as to be on the safe side): It can also be maintained that it is best to provide the machine with the best sense organs that money can buy, and then teach it to understand and speak English.