Robin had rented Blackett's holiday home in Wales on occasion, and did so again this year.
By inviting Alan, he made possible a third holiday before the summer was out.
Another of the party was Nicholas Furbank, the friend of E.M. Forster, who had lately been writing a book on Samuel Butler.
This too was rather like an old-style Cambridge reading party.
Alan seemed very happy.
They played rationalist Twenty Questions as they filed along the hill paths and old railway tunnels.
Alan developed a theory of how to choose the next question so as to maximise the expected weight of evidence of the answer.
One day they took a taxi and a bus at dawn for an expedition to the real mountain slopes of the Snowdon horseshoe,
where Nick Furbank was suitably terrified and went on all fours along the narrow ridge of Cribgoch, but Alan strode on in dogged Turing fashion, as twenty years before, but with friends at last.
Down from the mountain tops, it was time to pack up.
The suitcase with the parts for the zeta-function machine was still in his room, along with the star globe and Christopher's picture.
He kept as souvenirs some of the gear wheels that had been cut, but gave the rest to Peter Matthews to sell for scrap. Alan was rather disappointed with the price they fetched.