Why cats show you their belly
When a dog rolls over and shows you his belly, it's often because he wants attention. There's a good chance he's asking you to rub or scratch his tummy. So naturally, when a cat does this same behavior, people assume it's for the same reason.
But that's not true. When a cat shows her belly, it's a way to communicate one of four things. You'll likely know which mood your cat is expressing by reading other behavior signals.
1. She's relaxed and trusts you a lot. If she's relaxed, she may purr or rub up against you. She be sleeping and may show you her belly as she stretches or changes positions.
2. She's playing. Relaxed also can mean playful. For example, she may go belly-up to have all of her paws free to bat at her favorite toy.
3. She's feeling defensive. Turning over on her back gets her best weapons out front: the teeth and all of her claws. You'll be able to tell if your cat is upset — she may flatten her ears or make growling or hissing noises.
4. She's in heat. If you have a female cat who hasn't been spayed, this may be mating behavior. It's a sign of affection to a potential mate. It's probably best to leave her alone until it passes.