What to Do When You've Had Too Much Caffeine
So you went a little overboard with the morning coffee, and now you're vibrating in your seat. You'll be stuck with caffeine jitters for a little while, but here’s how to make the best of the situation.
Eat something
Eating food won't tame the jitters you already have, but it can stop them from getting too much worse.
吃东西并不会让你从紧张的状态中恢复,但却能避免状态恶化 。
The coffee you just gulped makes its first stop in your stomach, but it won't be fully absorbed until after it leaves your stomach and enters the intestines. If you drink caffeine on an empty stomach, it will make that journey pretty quickly. If you have it with food, though, the food-caffeine mixture will have to spend a bit more time in the stomach as the food goes through the first stages of digestion.
你刚喝下的咖啡先在胃部逗留,但直到其从胃部进入肠道后才会被完全吸收 。空腹喝咖啡会很快吸收 。然而,如果吃了东西再喝咖啡,那么在消化食物的第一阶段中,食物—咖啡因混合物会在胃部多停留一段时间 。
So if you just had a caffeinated drink on an empty stomach, grab some breakfast or an early lunch.
所以,如果你刚空腹喝了含咖啡因饮料,吃点早饭或早中饭或能缓解咖啡因带来的神经紧张 。
Stop googling
There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of tips out there about how to make your caffeine jitters disappear, and nearly all of them are bullshit. Drinking water won't help. Neither will eating bananas. Vegetables and vitamins won't be digested in time to make a difference, even if theoretically they might help.
或许,有几十种或上百种消除咖啡因带来的神经紧张的方法,但几乎所有的方法都是胡说八道 。喝水没用、吃香蕉也没用 。如果吃了蔬菜和维生素,你是无法及时消化的,因此也没有用,尽管从理论角度而言,这种方法或有帮助 。
By the time you're feeling the jitters, your problem is that your bloodstream is full of caffeine. Your liver is working as fast as it can to break down the caffeine, and you just have to wait it out.
感到紧张时,那是血管充满咖啡因所致 。你的肝脏正尽快分解咖啡因,所以你要做的就是:等 。
How long will that take? It depends how much caffeine you had. In about five hours, half the caffeine will be gone. So if you had two grande coffees first thing in the morning, you’ll be down to the effects of just one of them by afternoon.
大概需要等多久?这取决于你摄入的咖啡因量 。大约5小时候,一半的咖啡因会被分解 。所以,如果你早上喝了两大杯咖啡,到了下午,你只会受一杯咖啡的影响了 。
Get some exercise
Even though you can't get rid of the caffeine, you can make good use of the stuff while it’s in your system. If there’s time in your day for a workout, put on your running shoes now, or go lift in the gym. The exercise will distract you from the jitters, and the caffeine might even help you run faster or lift heavier.
尽管你无法摆脱咖啡因,但你可以在咖啡因让你提神的同时充分利用它 。如果你的日程安排包含锻炼,那就即刻穿上运动鞋或去健身房撸铁吧 。锻炼会让你从精神紧张的状态中分心,而咖啡因或能让你跑得更快,或举得更重 。