Involved dads are healthier and happier
Fathers may want to stay home and raise their children, but it’s often not financially viable. A Pew Research Center study in the U.S. found that dads who work outside the home were just about as likely as moms to say they prefer to be home with their children (48 per cent of dads versus 52 per cent of moms).
爸爸们可能也想留在家里带孩子,但通常情况下,经济条件不允许啊!美国皮尤研究中心开展的一项研究发现:愿意在家带孩子的职业男性和职业女性的比例相差无几(48%的爸爸们愿意,52%的妈妈们愿意) 。
Globally, paternity leave can increase fathers’ involvement within families and this has benefits for the children, the co-parent, the father himself, the economy and society. When Québec initiated a father leave, 85.8 per cent of new fathers took the five-week leave, whereas within the rest of Canada, only 30 per cent of fathers participated in a shared parental leave.
全球范围内,陪产假会增加父亲在家庭中的参与度,这对小孩儿、妈妈、爸爸本人、经济及社会都有好处 。当魁北克省开始实施陪产假时,85.8%的新生儿父亲休了5周假,而在加拿大其它地区,只有30%的父亲申请了共享产假 。
Various factors influence how much mothers will work outside the home and among these are expectations of the father’s work and role within the family. Fathers with more traditional views of being the primary provider will often work longer hours which may lead to conflict regarding family and work.
母亲在外工作的时间受很多因素的影响,包括:父亲的工作及父亲在家庭中的角色 。认为自己是“家庭经济的主要来源”的爸爸们通常会工作较长时间,从而带来家庭工作关系冲突 。
When mothers and fathers are co-parenting as a couple in a family, mothers are often more comfortable leaving the children and returning to work when the father is actively engaged with the children and she trusts the father as a partner and caregiver.
一个家庭中,若父母都参与带娃,当父亲和宝宝积极互动时,母亲会安心地回去工作,因为她信任他,既是一位好老公,也是一位好爸爸 。
Parents have to decide what is best for their family. Affordable and accessible child care is central to a family’s decision as to whether a parent will or will not work outside of the home.
大人需要决定什么样的方式对家庭最好 。负担得起且距离近的儿童看护是大人们决定是否出去工作的关键 。
More fathers staying home. Most fathers (90 per cent) indicate that parenting is their greatest joy. Fathers offer children unique and diverse experiences, and impact the child’s long-term development.
越来越多的父亲选择在家带孩子 。绝大多数爸爸们(90%)表示,带孩子的乐趣无穷无尽 。爸爸们会带给孩子独特而又多样化的体验,影响孩子的长期成长 。
There has been a shift within Canadian families, where more fathers are staying home with their children.
加拿大家庭已发生转变,越来越多的父亲选择在家带孩子 。
Being an involved dad makes men happier and healthier and contributes to future generations of family involvement and gender equality: daughters are more likely to have greater career aspirations and their sons are more likely to become good life partners when dads are involved in their young children’s lives.
带孩子的父亲更健康、更快乐,有助于提高后代在家庭中的参与度,促进性别平等:父亲带大的女孩子更有可能追求职业抱负,男孩子更有可能成为好的生活伴侣 。