日期:2019-06-14 16:58



1. "We need to talk."
1. "我们需要谈谈VO|aez*w@Om1*mt#L。"
Even if you really do need to talk, this isn't a great way to start things off. "It always means that there is going to be a difficult conversation, and it's probably not going to go well," says Jill Murray, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist and author. "The fear of the unknown and the accompanying dread makes it worse."
即便你很想和他/她谈一谈,这句开场白也并不合适3[NhRm,vDkuu!ERe81z。"因为这意味着接下来的话题将十分沉重,且最终进展可能并不顺利,"持证心理治疗师兼作家吉尔·莫里(Jill Murray)博士说道I&%QFU*HPv0=Mn^aJP。"对未知的担心以及随之而来的恐惧会使谈话更加糟糕5L#s.5Xkjzg[iqwvk。"
2. "You should know how I'm feeling."
2. "你应该知道我的感受pgcMH;fK3qx。"
No matter how well your spouse knows you, they probably can't guess your exact emotions. "Humans aren't natural mind readers," notes David Bennett, a certified counselor and relationship expert. As Bennett explains, most people can't actually tell what someone is feeling if they're not told, even if that person is their spouse.
无论另一半是否了解你,他/她都不太可能猜出你的真实感受kR)RsPZ^ZG,R|4uvX。"人类并非生来就会读心术,"持证顾问兼情感专家大卫·班内特(David Bennett)指出W*Du;,s47Qn!qJ;M)Z|。班内特解释道,如果一个人未明确说明他/她的感受,大多数人是猜不到他/她的想法的,即便那个人是你的另一半KLyklBzV7C*q[




3. "Relax!"
3. "放轻松!"
"In the midst of something tense, the word 'relax' from your spouse only ramps things up," says Mitzi Bockmann, a certified life coach. Heed her advice and avoid this directive at all costs.
"另一半在剑拔弩张时说出的'放轻松'只会让事态更严重,"持证生活教练米茨·博克曼(Mitzi Bockmann)说道V9.3s3#Id0。谨遵她的建议,并不惜一切代价避免说出这句话042#;K#Gp+4K
4. "You talk too much."
4. "你太啰嗦了R|t&iWrGuAuGCwe1。"
Dismissing your spouse as a chatterbox when they're animated about something is a backhanded way of breaking down communication. It's completely reasonable to expect to say your piece, but it's never a good idea to tell your spouse that they have to zip it for you do to so.
5. "You're just like my ex."
5. "我前任也像你这样RY4lmHtda|yz.O&c2。"
Comparing your spouse to a past lover can be hurtful, even if they're not usually competitive or jealous. "Most times in life, comparisons are unhelpful to us psychologically," explains Alex Hedger, a cognitive behavioral therapist and the clinical director of Dynamic You Therapy Clinics. "Comparing a partner to a previous partner often causes fear and resentment. It can also prevent the partner who is making the comparison from experiencing their current relationship fully."
即便从另一半的通常表现看,他/她并不好胜或嫉妒,但将他/她和前任作比较则十分伤人cJXEKgzRJ!6J@。"生命中的大多数时候,对比不利于我们的心理健康,"认知行为治疗师兼动态自我治疗诊所(Dynamic You Therapy Clinics)的临床主任亚历克斯·海杰(Alex Hedger)解释道c[5-45[LcuB。"将另一半和前任作比较通常会带来恐惧和憎恨iRN6v#oA6LJXKQp(jFZ。而作比较的一方也会受到影响,无法全身心地投入这段恋情bn91c-i]t%&dRp+2F。"


