This is Liquid Death. It's water sold in a tallboy, and the startup behind it just raised $1.6 million in seed funding.
Liquid Death was dreamed up by cofounder and CEO Mike Cessario, a former creative director for Netflix. In an interview with Business Insider, Cessario said he was inspired to launch Liquid Death because of his background in the punk and metal scenes.
“液体死亡”是由Netflix联合创始人兼首席执行官、前创意总监迈克?塞斯里奥(Mike Cessario)构想出来的。塞斯里奥在接受《商业内幕》采访时表示,他是受朋克和金属音乐背景启发而推出“液体死亡”。
"We knew the easiest crowd for us is anyone into heavy metal, punk rock, and that kind of world because they immediately get the joke and get the humor and have never seen anything like it," Cessario said. "What makes this appealing for such a large group is that it feels like a niche thing."
Cessario said Liquid Death's cans look cooler than bottled water, and believes that straight-edge and vegan punks would like the fact that the company plans to donate 5 cents from every can sold to clean up plastic garbage from the ocean.
"If you think about it, it makes sense; everything metal and punk is extreme," Cessario said. "Being vegan is extreme, protesting the deforestation is extreme. There are more vegans at a heavy metal show than Taylor Swift show. We are by far the most sustainable option for packaged water, which is a big driver for why people want to buy from us."