On the other hand, lectures on elementary electronics did not go down well with those from TRE, who could also see for themselves how the ACE design was built round the delay line storage.
It had been intended that 'from these discussions would emerge more clearly what contribution TRE should make' to the ACE.
This was indeed to happen, but not in the way that Darwin had hoped.
As it happened, the scheme of lectures was suddenly disrupted, thanks to the arrival of a letter from America.
On 13 December Womersley found himself invited to a grand Symposium on Large Scale Digital Calculating Machinery to be held at Harvard from 7 to 10 January, in connection with the inauguration of Aiken's Mark II relay calculator.
But Darwin quickly decided that it would be better for Alan to drink at the fount of American wisdom, making arrangements for him to attend the conference, and then to visit the ENIAC and the von Neumann group.
Jim Wilkinson took over the Adelphi lectures.
Alan spent Christmas at David Champernowne's parents' house at Dorking, and in a Boxing Day athletics meeting lost the three-mile race by one foot, with a time of 15 minutes, 51 seconds.
The sports reporter of the Evening News obtained a unique statement from him regarding the authorship of the digital computer:
'electronic' athlete
Antithesis of the popular notion of a scientist is tall, modest, 34-year-old bachelor Alan M. Turing, scratch man in the Walton Athletics Club's three-mile open event on Boxing Day.
Turing is the club's star distance runner, although this is his first season in competitive events.
At the National Physical Laboratory, at Molesey (sic), he is known as Dr Turing, (and) is also credited with the original idea for the Automatic Computing Engine, popularly known as the Electronic Brain.