Pregnant women are continuously shamed for the choices they make. They're shamed for working out, for not working out, for overeating, for not eating enough.
孕妇经常为她们所做的决定而感到羞愧 。锻炼也羞愧、不锻炼也羞愧;为暴饮暴食而羞愧、为吃的不够而羞愧 。
This noise has given way to confusion surrounding an important question: Is it safe to try to lose weight while pregnant? Iffath Hoskins, MD, an ob-gyn at NYU Langone Health, tells Health that the answer to that question is complicated.
但这些声音都让位于这一重要问题:孕期减肥安全吗?纽约大学朗格健康学院的妇产科医生伊法斯·霍斯金斯(Iffath Hoskins)医学博士对《健康》杂志说道:这一问题的答案十分复杂 。
As a general rule, women shouldn't plan to try to shed weight while pregnant. There's a lot going on with your body during pregnancy, and you don't want to add extra stress to an already stressful process. "The first item to talk about is the fact that when you're pregnant you have increased demand on your body. To try to actively lose weight is not a good idea," Dr. Hoskins says.
一般情况下,孕妇不应减肥 。怀孕期间,孕妇的身体会发生很多变化,难道你想让这本来就颇具压力的过程更加紧张吗?"首先你要了解实际情况:怀孕时,你的身体需求会增加 。这时候积极减肥并不是一个好主意,"霍斯金斯医生说道 。
She adds, "There are many reasons why [a woman] gains weight during pregnancy." The placenta and the baby's body cause weight gain, as does the presence of amniotic fluid in the body. But these changes contribute to temporary weight gain that should disappear with time after she gives birth. Ultimately, aiming to lose weight while pregnant is safe only under rare circumstances, Dr. Hoskins says.
她补充道,"孕妇增重的原因有很多 。"胎盘和婴儿会导致体重增加,孕妇体内的羊水也会如此 。但这些变化带来的体重增加只是临时的,生宝宝之后,这些变化也应随之消失 。最终,只有在极少数情况下,孕期减肥才是安全的,霍斯金斯医生说道 。
Doctors take into consideration a number of factors when determining the best weight management plan for a pregnant patient. Dr. Hoskins says the following questions are among these considerations: "Is she underweight? What is her lifestyle? What work does she do? What is her usual caloric intake?" After taking these into account, "we create a customized plan for that patient," she says.
就孕妇最佳体重管理计划一事,医生考虑了诸多因素 。霍斯金斯医生表示,下列几个问题都属于考虑范畴:"她是不是体重过轻?她的生活方式如何?她做什么工作?通常情况下她会摄入多少热量?"考虑这些因素之后,"我们会为患者打造量身计划,"她说道 。
On average, women gain 12 to 24 pounds while pregnant, explains Dr. Hoskins. "If a woman is average weight, we tell her she should expect to gain weight. But she can stay closer to the lower end," she says. Staying closer to that end means looking at an extra 12 to 14 pounds during pregnancy. But this range won't work for every woman. A woman could gain up to 44 pounds while pregnant and still have a healthy pregnancy, Dr. Hoskins says.
孕妇平均会增重12至24磅,霍斯金斯医生解释道 。"如果女性体重正常,我们会告诉她,体重增长可能是预料之内的事情 。但她可以尽可能的少增重,"她说道 。尽可能的少增重意味着孕期额外增重12至14磅 。但这并不适用于每一位女性 。有些孕妇甚至增重44磅,但仍属于健康范畴,霍斯金斯医生说道 。