I first encountered the phrase "intuitive eating" on Instagram, and my first assumption was that it was another list of dieting rules wrapped in a pretty package of self-care. Then I noticed the bagels. And the cupcakes. And the glasses of red wine. Having struggled with my own sometimes disordered relationship with food, I recoiled a little at what appeared to be a free pass to eat whatever you wanted and declare yourself an intuitive eater.
我第一次看到"直觉饮食法"这个词,是在Ins上 。当时我便想到,这会不会是包装在自我照顾外壳下的又一条节食规则呢?然后我注意到了百吉饼、纸杯蛋糕和红酒 。我偶尔也挣扎于与食物间的混乱关系,所以看到'随便吃并宣称自己是直觉饮食者'的说法时,我略微有所退缩 。
As I kept scrolling, I learned that intuitive eating is neither a fad diet nor a license to binge. But it took a little more digging to find out what it is, and why it seems to be everywhere on social media.
我继续翻看着,并开始了解到直觉饮食既不是时尚饮食法也不是暴饮暴食的许可证 。但我又花了些时间以真正搞清楚这一概念,为什么社交媒体上到处都在宣传这一饮食方式?
What intuitive eating is-and isn't
The term comes from an eponymous book originally published in 1995 by two registered dietitians named Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. After working for years with people suffering from eating disorders, they wanted to impress upon anyone who felt they kept "failing" at diets that the problem wasn't them, it was the diet. They argued that diets fail because they set impossible expectations and ignore the way the body actually works.
这一术语源于两位注册营养师伊芙琳·特瑞波乐(Evelyn Tribole)和埃利丝·雷施(Elyse Resch)于1995年出版的同名书籍 。特瑞波乐和雷施多年来的工作就是治疗饮食失调患者,他们希望令节食失败者加深这一观念:节食失败的原因不在他们,而在于节食本身 。他们认为节食失败是因为他们设定了无法实现的期望、忽略了身体本身的运转方式 。
"Also," Resch told me, "the power of deprivation when on a diet and the rebellion that comes with being told what to do/eat will cause the diet to fail."
"此外,"雷施对我说,"节食时被剥夺的饮食权以及被告知要怎么做/吃什么时所产生的逆反心理将导致节食失败 。"
This kind of assertion is often met with claims that people whose diets "fail" simply aren't trying hard enough or aren't choosing the right diet. But Tribole and Resch's work has been backed up by a significant amount of research.
这类说法往往遭到质疑:节食失败仅仅是因为不够努力或没有选择合适的节食方式所致 。但特瑞波乐和雷施的工作已得到大量研究的支持 。
Most prominent is probably the work of social and health psychologist Traci Mann, whose studies have found that neurological, hormonal and biological changes that happen when we diet tend to make our bodies do the opposite of what we are trying to achieve-crave more food, feel less full, and slow our metabolism. Intuitive eating suggests rejecting diets altogether, giving yourself permission to eat without labeling some foods "good" and others "bad," acknowledging when you're eating your feelings.
其中,最突出的可能是社会健康心理学家特蕾西·曼(Traci Mann)的工作,其研究发现:节食时发生的神经、激素及生物变化往往会使我们的身体做违背我们本身想要达到的目标的事情--渴望更多的食物、感觉不到饱、减缓新陈代谢 。直觉饮食法建议:拒绝节食、随心所欲地吃,不要给食物贴上"好"或"坏"的标签,想吃就吃吧! 。