We all know our motivation to lose weight is high when we manage to lose weight quickly, and we can do this when we replace meals with diet drink, shakes and soups. So could doctors use this high ?motivation in overweight people with Type 2 diabetes to lose enough weight to cure them of it? It seems so.
我们都知道,当我们成功做到快速瘦身时,我们的减肥动力就会高涨 。喝减肥饮品、奶昔和汤而非正常吃饭,是快速瘦身的方法 。所以,医生可否将这种高涨的动力应用于超重2型糖尿病患者身上,以期减轻体重、治愈糖尿病?好像确实可以 。
When 277 morbidly obese people were put on a low-calorie diet for three months and followed up after a year, rapid early weight loss led to better long-term weight loss than for those using slower diets.
当277名病态肥胖者被要求摄入为期三个月的低卡饮食时,我们在一年后对他们进行随访时发现:早期快速减肥使他们比采取慢饮食方式的患者拥有更佳的长期减肥效果 。
"Programme retention was ?exceptionally high with a low-calorie diet, at 89%," said lead researcher Mike of Glasgow University. In the British Medical Journal, he said this new strategy offers people the chance of a cure. His main point is that it's not just a diet but a carefully structured programme aimed at substantial long-term weight loss that can be delivered by ordinary dietitians and practice nurses.
"低卡饮食的计划保有率异常高,达到89%,"格拉斯哥大学的首席研究员麦克·利恩说道 。他在《英国医学杂志上》说道,这一新的策略给了人们治愈糖尿病的可能 。他的主要观点是,这不只是一种饮食,更是一则精心策划的计划,旨在通过普通营养师和实习护士为人们带来长期的体重减轻 。
It would cost less than the average annual cost of treating Type 2 diabetes with drugs. So the NHS is going to pilot a low-calorie diet programme as the first treatment option for new patients with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. For a group of 500 patients, GPs will be encouraged to prescribe a liquid diet of just over 800 calories a day for three months, followed up with a period of full support.
其成本低于用药物治疗2型糖尿病的年平均费用 。所以,英国国民健康体系将制定一套低卡饮食计划,作为刚被诊断出2型糖尿病患者的首选治疗方案 。对于由500名患者组成的小组而言,全科医生将为他们开具一份800卡左右的流体饮食(三个月),随后进行一段时间的全面支持 。
This initiative is inspired by the DiRECT trial, funded by Diabetes UK, which showed that low-calorie diets can put Type 2 into remission. Most ?importantly it can be achieved as part of routine care in general practice without reference to hospitals and special clinics.
该倡议受英国糖尿病协会DiRECT试验的启发,该试验表明低卡饮食可缓解2型糖尿病 。最为重要的是,它可以作为全科诊疗的常规护理来实现,不涉及医院和特殊诊所 。
Last August, a study showed the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin can be "rebooted" once ?remission from Type 2 has occurred. Another study showed that with rapid initial early weight loss, weight isn't quickly regained on reverting to normal eating. This reversed previous thinking that when weight is lost quickly it's quickly put back on again.
去年八月,一项研究表明:一旦2型糖尿病有所缓解,胰腺中产生胰岛素的细胞就可以"重新启动" 。另一项研究表明:在早期快速减重的情况下,若恢复正常饮食,体重不会很快反弹 。这改变了人们之前的想法:"瘦的越快,增重也越快" 。